Syndromic Short Stature ✅ Flashcards
What are the most common syndromic causes of short stature?
- Russell-Silver syndrome
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Turner’s syndrome
- Noonan’s syndrome
- Skeletal dysplasias
What kind of genetic disease is Russell-Silver syndrome?
Imprinting disease
What is the genetic cause of Russell-Silver syndrome?
Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7
What are imprinting disorders asssociated with?
Assisted reproductive techniques
What do imprinting disorders often cause?
Abnormalities of growth
What is Russell-Silver syndrome characterised by?
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Increased risk of hypoglycaemia
- Sweating
- Asymmetry (one side of the body being shorter than the other)
- Short stature with failure to catch up growth
- Thinness
- Triangular shaped face with small pointed chin and clinodactyly
What does treatment of Russell-Silver syndrome involve?
Optimal dietary support and for some, GH therapy
What problems can alcohol exposure in utero cause?
- Impaired growth
- Brain damage leading to poor concentration, behaviour and learning difficulties
- Characteristic facial appearance of microcephalic, flat mid-face, low-set ears, and micrognathia
What is the genetic cause of Turner’s syndrome?
Loss or abnormality of one X chromosome
What is the incidence of Turners syndrome?
1 in 2500 girls
Why is the phenotype of Turners syndrome fairly mild for such as major chromosomal anomaly?
Reflects partial inactivation of the second X chromosome from early fetal life
What % of conceptions with Turners syndrome result in miscarriage or stillbirth?
What are the characteristic features of Turner’s syndrome?
- Skeletal dysplasia causing short stature
- Short 4th and 5th metacarpals
- Cubitus values
- Micrognathia
- Ovarian failure leading to pubertal failure and infertility
- Lymphoedema
- Neck webbing
- Low hairline and increased naevi
- Congenital heart disease
- Wide spaced nipples
- Madelung deformity
- Middle ear problems
- Renal anomalies
- Specific learning difficulties related to numeracy and visuospatial tasks
- Social vulnerability
- Increased risk of autoimmune and inflammatory disease
What congenital heart disease is particularly common in Turner’s syndrome?
Coarctation of the aorta
What is Madelung deformity?
A focal dysplasia of the distal radial physis