Syndromes Flashcards
Goldenhar syndrome
Aka oculo-auriculo-vertebral syndrome Abnormalities of 1 and 2nd brachial clefts Limbal dermoids Coloboma of upper/lower eyelid Preauricular skin tags Congenital heart disease Vertebral abnormalities CNS abnormalities Associated with Duane's syndrome
Coloboma of lower eyelid
Treacher-Collins syndrome
Differential Diagnosis for infants with poor vision and normal ocular structures
Leber's congenital amaurosis Achromatopsia CSNB albinism optic nerve hypoplasia TORCHs infections Occipital lobe damage
small normal eye
associated hyperopia, acute angle closure glaucoma
increased risk of choroidal effusion during surgery
Microphthalmos with cyst
failure of embryonic fissure to close
associated with congenital rubella, congenital toxoplasmosis, Trisomy 13,15, deletion of 18, maternal vit A deficiency and thalidomide ingestion
Treacher-Collins syndrome
= mandibulofacial dysostosis
midface hypoplasia
dental and ear abnormalities, small ear/jaw.
lateral lid defects, absent medial lashes, poorly developed puncta and meibomian glands
associated with?
increased interpupillary distance 2/2 increased distance between medial orbital walls.
assoc with - blepharophimosis, frontal meningoceles/encephaloceles, fibrous displasia
premature closure of sutures
-midface hypoplasia, proptosis, telecanthus, V-pattern XT, oral/dental abnml, respiratory problems.
Crouzon’s Syndrome
AD or sporadic
absence of forward development of cranium/midface
findings: proptosis, V-pattern XT, nystagmus, optic atrophy (25-50%)
also: MR, maxillary hypoplasia, parrot’s beak nose, ext auditory canal atresia, anodonia
Apert’s Syndrome
Crouzon’s + syndactyly
associated with increased paternal age
Pierre Robin Sequence
Assoc: RD, congenital glaucoma, cataracts, high myopia
Also: micrognathia, cleft palate
Associated with Stickler’s syndrome
Hemifacial Microsomia
Assoc: upper lid coloboma, strabismus
facial assymetry, microtia, acrostomia, orbital dystopia, ear tags, vertebral anomalies
Waardenburg’s Syndrome
AD lateral displacement of inner canthi/puncta confluent eyebrows, heterochromic iridis fundus hypopigmentation Assoc: deafness, white forelock
Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome
bilateral cataracts, glaucoma, microphakia, microcornea
mandibular hypoplasia,
beaked nose
fetal alcohol syndrome
short palpebral fissure, telecanthus, comitant strabismus, optic disc anomalies, sometimes high myopia,
Also: Thin vermilion border, MR, small birth wt, CV, skeletal abnormalities
Riley-day syndrome
familaial dysautonomia (block of NE production)
eastern european jews
decr K sensation, no tearing, neurogrophic keratitis, light near dissociation
incr risk with anesthesia
High urinary HVA and VMA, low HMPT
De Morsier’s Syndrome
septo-optic dysplasia bilateral ON hypoplasia spetum pellucidum abnormalitiy pituitary/hypopituitary hypoplasia agenesis of corpus callosum
Kjer’s syndrome
autosomal dominant optic atrophy
temporal wedge of pallor
Bjer’s syndrome
AR optic atrophy Ataxia hypotonia MR nystagmus M > F
Wolfram’s syndrome
AR age 5-21 diffuse optic atrophy DIDMOAD (DI, DM,Optic atrophy, deafness) Ataxia, seizures, MR
Aicardi Syndrome
X-link Dom (only females, lethal in males) Infantile spasms MR corpus callosum agensis peripapillary chorioretinal lacunae optic nerve anomalies (coloboma) microphthalmos
Alagille’s syndrome
familial intrahepatic cholestrasis
posterior embyrotoxin
bilateral optic nerve drusen
Kearns Sayer syndrome
onset before age 15, maternal mitochhondrial CPEO ptosis pigmentary retinopathy cardiac conudction defects - heart block cerebellar ataxia Path: Ragged Red fibers
mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, stroke-like episodes
retrochiasmal visual loss, headaches, seizures, CPEO, optic neuropathy, pigmentary retinopathy, hearing loss
Ragged red fibers on muscle biopsy
CT scan - basal ganglia calcification
Alport’s Syndrome
anterior lenticonus
hereditary nephritis
hematuria - hemorrhagic nephropathy
sensorineural deafness
Lowe’s Syndrome
Oculo-Cerebro-Renal syndrome X-linked physical and mental retardation hypotonia renal tubular acidosis Flat, discoid cataract with retention of nuclei (100%) Glaucoma (50%) Maternal carriers will have white punctate cortical opacities
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
mandibulo-oculofacial dysmorphia
hypoplasia of mandible with bird-like facies
microphakia, microcornea, glaucoma,
both cataracts and glaucoma
can get lens rupture and inflam from phacoanaphylactic uveitis
Down’s syndrome lens abnormalities
snowflake cataract and keratoconus
defect in galactose-1-P-uridyl transferase (most common), galactokinase, or UDP galactose-4-epimerase
inability to convert glactose to glucose
Oil droplet gacatarct
MR, hepatomegaly, jaundice, malnutrition
Dietary restriction of lactose
alpha-galactosidase A deficiency
corneal verticullata
spoke-like cataract
renal disorder
cardiovascular abnormalities
oculocutaneous albinism
AR (mostly, some AD)
foveal hypoplasia
Tyrosine negative - no pigment
VA 20/200, chrom 15 (same as Angelman’s- mom/prader-willi -dad)
Hermansky-Pudlak - Puerto Rican, Ty +, hemorrhagic diathesis with abnormal platelets
Chediak-Higashi - MR, frequent infections, reticuloendothelial incompetence, pancytopenia, leukemia/lymphoma risk higher
Ocular albinism
X-linked (AR rare) decr melanosomes less iris transillumination defects female carriers with mosaic pattern ASSOC: deafness
Tyrosine Pos ocularcutaneous albinism MR freqent infections large melanosomes on skin biopsy reticuloendothelial dysnfucntion with pancytopenia higher risk lymphoma/leukemia
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome
Tyrosine Pos Oculocutaneous albinism
Hemorrhagic diathesis
Abnormal platelets
Peurto Rican
Trisomy 21
Eye findings: Epicanthal folds, eyelid ectropion, Brushfield spots, myopia, keratoconus, esotropia (1/3), nystagums, infantile glaucoma, snowflake cataract
spoke-like BV from ON (incr number)
Trisomy 18 - Edwards syndrome
hypertelorism epicanthus hypoplastic supraorbital ridges colobomatous microphthalmos cataract microcornea congenital glaucoma
Trisomy 13 - Patau syndrome
colobomatous microphthalmos
PHPV (can be bilateral)
intraocular cartilege in cilicary body coloboma
Diseases with intraocular cartilage
Trisomy 13