Anatomy/strabismus Flashcards
EOMs penetrate Tenon’s to insert to globe
two divisions - anterior - fuses with conj 1 mm from limbus
posterior - separates orbital fat from muscles
intermuscular septum
fascial extensions from muscles between rectus muscles
fuses with conj 3 mm posterior to limbus
check ligaments
facial extensions between tenon’s and muscle capsule
Sclera thickness at limbus, front of muscles, behind muscles, ON
Memorize thickness: Limbus - 0.8 mm Front of muscles 0.6 mm behind muscles 0.3 mm at ON 0.1 mm
Lockwood’s ligament
fusion of muscle sheaths of inferior rectus and IO
connects lower eyelid retractors
Make sure to disinsert Lockwood’s ligament when doing IR or IO surgery to prevent lower lid retraction
Whitnall’s ligament
fascial extension from levator palpebral superioris to SO nasally in area of the trochlea
Muscle lengths
Tendon lengths
Spiral of Tillaux
Muscle origins
Muscle length - all rectus approx 40 mm
IO is shortest muscle with shortest tendon (36mm, 1-2 mm respect)
SO longest muscle/longest tendon (60 mm, 30 mm)
Spiral of Tillaux MR - 5.5, SR 6.5, LR 7.0, IR 7.7
Recuts muscles origin - Annulus of Zinn,
IO origin - lacrimal crest
SO origin - medial/sup to annulus of Zinn
Blood supply for EOM
Nerve supply to EOM
7 anterior ciliary arteries travel through 4 rectus muscles (All have 2 except LR with 1)
branches of CN enter EOM in posterior 1/3 of muscle on inner aspect
IO - neurovascular bundle enters mid muscle on outer aspect (some fibers go to ciliary ganglion - can get blown pupil with IO surgery)
Superior division of III - levator and SR
inferior division of III - MR, IR, IO
Felderstruktur fibers vs Fibrillenstruktur
FELD: Per Yi: “I felt like having a smooth grape”
for smooth pursuit
innervated in ‘en grappe’ fashion (multiple small nerve fibers)
Unique to EOM
FIBRILLEN: fast saccades
innervated ‘en plaque’ fashion
large myelinated nerve fibers
Sherrington’s law vs Hering’s Law
Share one eye - INCR innervation of a given EOM accompanied by DECR innervation of antagonist
HERING’s: equal and simultaneous innervation of muscles in each eye concerned with desired direction of gaze
Conditions that defy Hering’s law
Abberent regeneration of CN III
Duane’s syndrome
Normal fusional amplitudes
Remember 3:6:18 for distance and double for near
Vertical: D - 3, N - 6 (Per san antonio, Otherwise normally 2-3 D)
Divergence: D - 6, N -12
Convergence: D - 18, N 36
Two pathways in visual system
Magnocellular vs Parvocellular
Parvo - 90% of LGN (central VF and macula), develops by 8 mo
Responsible for stereoPsis, two-Point discrimination
“What info”
Magnocellular (10% of LGN)
for motion - “Where info”
parafoveal and peripheral retina
Panam’s area
area of maximal stereopsis
region of single binocular vision
locus of all visual point imaged on the retina for a given fixation distance
Panam’s - region around the horopter within which images can be fused.
neurophysiology of amblyopia
anisometropic vs strabismic/deprivational
anisometropic: mild vision deprevation
P cell maldevelopment
Gross steropsis intact
Strab/depriv: severe vision deprivation
M cell maldevelopment
poor steropsis