Syndromes Flashcards
What are the physical features of Noonan syndrome? + cardiac condition
Autosomal dominant disorder
Deep grooved philtrum
Excess nuchal skin fold
Widely spaced eyes
Low set ears
Normal tone
Pulmonary valvular stenosis
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
What are the features of Prader-Willi syndrome?
Feeding difficulties
Faltering growth
Then excessive hunger and obesity
Delayed developmental milestones
Cryptorchidsm/lack of sexual development
What are the features of Turner syndrome?
45 XO
Only affects females
Short stature
Webbed neck
Low set ears
Widely spaced nipples
+ aortic co-arctation
What are the features of Klinefelter syndrome?
47 XXY
Delayed puberty
Tall stature
What are the features of Kallmann syndrome?
Form of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Puberty delayed/fails to start
What are the features of Edward syndrome? + cardiac conditions
Trisomy 18
Low set ears
Prominent forehead and occiput
Hypoplastic nails
Overlappy index and middle finger
Rocker bottom feet
+ atrial septal defect
ventricular septal defect
persistent ductus arteriosus
+ multiple large choroid plexus cysts
What are the features of Edward syndrome?
Trisomy 13
Midline defects - cleft palate, cardiac anomalies
What are the features of Pierre Robin sequence?
Cleft palate
What are the features of Down syndrome? + cardiac conditions
Trisomy 21
Epicanthic folds
Broad nasal bridge
Upslanting palpebral fissures
Duodenal web/atresia
What are the features of foetal-alcohol syndrome?
Smooth philtrum
Thin vermillion border
Short palpebral fissures
Intellectual disability
What are the features of Williams syndrome? + cardiac
Rare and sporadic chromosomal microdeletion (loss of genetic material from chromosome 7)
Epicanthic folds
Full lips
Flat nasal bridge
High anxiety levels
+ supravalvular aortic stenosis
What are the features of Fragile X syndrome?
FMR1 mutation
X-linked dominant
Learning difficulties
Large ears
Long noses
High forehead
Increased testicular volume
Features of MPS 1? (Mucopolysaccharidosis)
Normal development then delay and plateau
Reduced growth
Mixed hearing impairment
Recurrent URTIs
Rare lysosomal storage disorder leads to failure to break down glycosaminoglycans - which accumulate and cause organ damage
Detected through urine glycosaminoglycans