Synapsids and Diapsids Flashcards
Describe the 3 membranes in amniotic eggs
- amnion - inner membrane around embryo
- chorion - outer membrane around entire contents of egg
- allantois - outgrowth of embryo hindgut: waste N and gas exchange with surface
Describe the shell in amniotic eggs
- calcified and rigid in birds, crocodiles
- leathery in lizards, turtles, monotremes
What are examples of Paleozoic amniotes?
- Hylonomus - lizard size, earliest amniote
- Mesosaurus - cat size, secondarily aquatic amniote
- Dimetrodon - alligator size, 1st terrestrial apex predator
- Pareiasaurus - cow size, herbivore
Describe the Hylonomus skeleton
- pelvic girdle
- sacral vertebrae fused to an ilium each side
- femur held in socket
- pectoral girdle not fused to vertebrae
- humerus - scapula and coracoid
What are the types of skull fenestration?
- anapsid - no fenestration
- synapsid - 1 fenestration
- diapsid - 2 fenestrations
Where are fenestrations located in synapsids and diapsids?
post orbital part of skull
What is the function of temporal openings?
- space for jaw-closing adductor muscles to bulge
- allows for more muslce mass and attachment points
Describe the evolution of the synapsid jaw
- small temporal opening of pelycosaurs - increase cynodonts
- temporal fossa - increased temporalis muscle
- bowed out zygomatic arch - development of masseter muscle
- homodont pelycosaur teeth - heterodont
Define fossa
Define zygomatic arch
Describe basal tetrapods
- sprawling limbs
- evolution of upright posture
Describe sprawling limbs in basal tetrapods
- constant muscle action to prevent trunk sagging
- problem increases with size
- wave-like locomotion compresses alternate lungs to aid with breathing
How does sprawling limbs problem increase with size?
- mass proporitonal to volume cubed
- muscle strength proportional to cross section squared
Describe the evolution of upright posture in basal tetrapods
- progressive regression of ribs on posterior vertebrae: evolution of thoracic cavity, e.g., bounding gait of dog works with lungs
- sprawling becomes increasingly erect
Describe the trunk of axial cat skeletons
lumbar and thoracic vertebrae
Describe the diapsid evolution of upright posture
- bipedal posture - walking decoupled from breathing
- inspiration - pelvic muscles contract
- expiration - rectus abdominus contracts
Describe the evolution of synapsid and diapsid lungs
- synapsids - alveolar lungs, air passages end in alveolar sacs
- diapsids - faveolar lungs: falveoli open from common space, more efficient lungs
Describe the convergent evolution of synapsid and diapsid aorta
- right aorta lost in mammal
- left aorta lost in bird
- embryos of both have 2 aortic arches
- probable adaptation to high blood flow
Describe the different evolution of synapsid and diapsid kidneys
- synapsid: nephron with loop of Henle to concentrate urine, excrete soluble urea
- diapsid: lacks loop of Henle, insoluble uric acid excreted, water uptake from bladder/cloaca
Describe the different evolution of synapsid and diapsid brains
- major difference in advanced brain structures
- forebrain subdivisions for complex behaviour