Mammalian Respiration & Circulation Flashcards
What are the challenges of respiration?
- oxygen exchange is slow
- even cells with low metabolism must be within 1-2mm of O2 source
How have vertebrates evolved to overcome slow oxygen exchange?
- larger surface areas
- central cavities
- specialized respiratory systems
- respiratory and circulatory pumps
Describe the mammalian nasal cavity
- modifies air before reaching lower respiratory passages
- warmed by mucosa
- humidified by serous nasal secretion
- cleansed by mucus gland secretion
- turbinate bones and cartilage
Descibe turbinate bones and cartilage in mammalian nasal cavities
- covered by mucosal membrane - warms and cleans air
- adds element of moisture to air
What is contained in the thoracic cavity?
- trachea
- lungs
- diaphragm
- heart
- all in bony thorax
Give an overview of mammalian respiration
- occurs in lungs
- negative pressure breathing pulls air in
- diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract to expand cavity, air enters
Which intercostal muscles contract for inhalation and exhalation?
external -> inhalation
internal -> exhalation
Describe the lungs
- right lung bigger due to heart position
- lungs surrounded by membraneous pulmonary pleura
Why are the lungs surrounded by membraneous pulmonary pleura?
reduces level of friction
Describe the two lobes in the lungs
- right lung - anterior, middle, posterior and accessory lobes
- left - anterior, middle, only posterior lobes
What is the order of branching within the lungs?
2 bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli
Describe the relationship between respiration rate and body mass
exponential relationship between O2 consumption and mass of animal where the bigger the animal, the less oxygen consumed/g/hr
Describe blood circulation
transport system for:
- O2 and CO2
- ions and metabolites: lipids, amino acids etc
- immune cells
- hormones/signals
- repair molecules and cells: fibrinogen, platelets
- removal of waste
Describe the double circulatory system in mammals
- 2 circuits: pulmonary and systemic
- right and left atria & ventricles - 4 chambers
- right ventricle -> pulmonary artery
- left -> systemic aortic arch
Describe the mammalian heart
- outer tough inelastic fibrous pericardium
- double-layered serous pericardium - serous fluid - lubrication