Symphony No.40 In G Minor - 1st movement Flashcards
What are some of it’s classical features?
- Functional Harmony (I, V, IV,II,VI)
- Balanced Phrases
- Graceful Melody Lines
What was size orchestra was the piece originally written for?
A small orchestra
When are sequences used?
- In opening melody in violins
- First fours bars are repeated using a descending sequence
- In the bridge passage
When is Chromaticism used?
The Second Subject
When Is Counter-Melody used?
The Development
What is Augmentation?
Doubling original notes values (used in the codetta)
What is it’s structure?
Sonata form (Exposition, Development, Recapitulation)
Describe the exposition’s two contrasting themes..
The 1st subject is in G minor and the second is in B-flat major, with a bridge passage linking them.
Describe the main themes of the Development..
The themes go through many variations, different keys, instrumentation and dynamics. Developing short rhythmic motifs from the first subject
Describe the main themes of Recapitulation..
Pulling it all together, the themes of the exposition are repeated but in the tonic (G minor). Ends with a coda.
Describe the tonality of the piece..
Exposition - G minor until modulation (via the bridge) into B flat major for the second subject. Extra chromatic notes added in the bridge.
Development - Chromatic harmonies. Starts in F# Minor but explores different keys.
Recapitulation - Begins and ends in G minor (1st and 2nd subject) bridge passage passes through many keys providing a link.
What is the texture of the piece?
- Mainly homophonic throughout
- First and second violins play in octaves at first (also plays in unison)
- Other parts use pedals
- Ends with homophonic texture
What are the dynamics of the piece?
- Begins in ‘p’, meaning soft, surprising for a classical symphony.
- Second subject has crescendos
- Bridge is then loud (f) and has lots of szforzandos.
Which registers do the instruments primarily play in?
Most of the instruments play in their comfortable middle ranges - with some leaps. The flute and violin 1 explore a higher range at times.
What is the general tempo of the piece?
It’s molto allegro in a 4/4 time signature. Clear pulse. Opening has a quaver accompaniment in the violas and on-beat crochet bass notes from the basses. First subject is based on a driving pattern using quavers and semi-quavers.