Syllabus Equations Flashcards
What is normal PAO2? Normal PACO2? Normal PAH2O?
PAO2 = 104 mmHg PACO2 = 40 mmHg PAH2O = 47 mmHg
What is normal physiologic pH?
7.40 (arterial) - 7.37 (mixed venous)
What is the O2 saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood? In mixed venous blood?
97% in arterial, 75% in venous
What is the equation for dead space ventilation?
What is the equation for alveolar gas? What are the normal values of the variables?
PAO2 = (PB-PH2O)(FiO2) - PaCO2/R
PB = barometric pressure, usually 760 mmHg PH2O = 47 mmHg FiO2 = 0.21 R = 0.8
What is the equation for A-a gradient? What are the normal values of the variables?
A-a gradient = (PB-PH20)(FiO2) - [PaO2 + (PaCO2/R)]
PB = barometric pressure, usually 760 mmHg PH2O = 47 mmHg FiO2 = 0.21 R = 0.8
What is a normal A-a gradient?
A-a < 10
What are the equations for PaCO2? What do the variables stand for?
PaCO2 = (KVCO2)/VA = (KVCO2)/[VE*(1-VD/VT)
K = a constant = 0.863 VCO2 = CO2 production VA = alveolar ventilation VE = total minute ventilation VD/VT = dead space ventilation
What is the equation for compliance?
C = ∆V/∆P
What is the equation for pulmonary artery pressure? What do the variables stand for?
PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance CO = cardiac output PCWP = pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
What is the normal content of hemoglobin in the blood?
What is the equation for total oxygen content in the blood? What do the variables stand for?
CxO2 = (1.34HgbSxO2) + (0.003*PxO2)
x = either arterial (a) or venous (v) Hgb = hemoglobin, usually 15g/100ml S = saturation
What is the equation for acute respiratory acidosis?
∆pHa = ∆PaCO2 x 0.008 (subtract ∆pHa from starting pHa)
What is the equation for chronic respiratory acidosis?
∆pHa = ∆PaCO2 x 0.003 (subtract ∆pHa from starting pHa)
What is the equation for acute respiratory alkalosis?
∆pHa = ∆PaCO2 x 0.008 (add ∆pHa to starting pHa)
What is the equation for chronic respiratory alkalosis?
∆pHa = ∆PaCO2 x 0.0017 (add ∆pHa to starting pHa)
What is the mnemonic for restrictive lung disease? What does it stand for?
P - pleural A - alveolar filling I - interstitial N - neuromuscular T - thoracic cage
What is the mnemonic for obstructive lung disease? What does it stand for?
F - foreign body or upper airway disease A - asthma C - chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis E - emphysema S - small airway disease