Swords Flashcards
Success, truth, awareness. Determination. Take action now.
Reversed: Illusion, confusion, cruelty, injustice. Work on finding a balance.
Blocked of heart and emotions, holding in your feelings. Refusing to see what is right in front of you.
Reversed: Being forced to face your surpressed emotions. Conflict.
Delay, personal betrayal, loss. Time of drama and tears. Spell that has backfired.
Reversed: Destruction. Healing process is blocked. Can’t move on until grief has been worked on.
Personal downtime- take a retreat or day off and recoup. Allow time to recover from an illness.
Reversed: Feeling rejected.
Feeling humiliated and embarrassed. Learn to laugh at yourself and move on.
Reversed: Humiliation, carrying a grudge, conflict with a domineering person.
Travel over water. Movement and progress. New job, new home. Good time for change.
Reversed: Short-term improvement. Challenges to your progress. Travel delays or complications.
New schemes, tactics and solutions. Thinking outside the box. Relying on street smarts. Partial victory.
Reversed: Allowing fear to hold you back. Not seizing opportunities. Timid behavior.
Restriction, feelings of being trapped and sad. Overreacting, feeling sorry for yourself. Fear of initiation or ritual.
Reversed: Feeling completely helpless, overwhelmed. Mild situational depression. Leaving coven out of fear of the unknown.
Drama Queen. Always having a crisis, causing drama. Near the end of problem. Psychic or emotional vampire/victim. Baneful magic returned to its sender times 3.
Reversed: Suspicion, fear, anxiety. Cruel behavior. Uninvited psychic vampire.
Stabbed in the back, ignored gut insticts. Betrayal from loved one, friend or coven member.
Reversed: Physical harm from another. Negative group of people. Unfairly becoming the scapegoat for a family or coven.
Think quickly and act decisively but keep temper in check. Use caution, stand guard for trouble or conflict.
Reversed: Tension, rash actions. Using physical force when unnecessary.
No fear. Excitement, movement and adventure. Courage. Swift change and progress.
Reversed: Conflict, misplaced aggression, no progress.
Pay attention to your own instincts and intuition. Assert your independece, stand up for yourself, follow your intuition and try something new.
Reversed: Closed off feelings, Isolation, gossip. Vindictive woman.
Authority figure. Judgement, justice, logic, truth. Actions may be questioned.
Reversed: Judgemental, arrogant person. A domineering unkind man. Dangerous individual.