Major Arcana Flashcards
Completion, joy, rebirth. A journey’s successful end.
Reversed: Delayed completion of a project. Recurring problems. Turning your back on the natural world.
Good luck, working with the magic of the 4 seasons.
Reversed: Period of bad luck, feeling disconnected from nature, wintertime blues.
Motherhood, fertility, power-of-nature. Creativity, protecting love in your life, the power of nature.
Reversed: Domestic problems, infertility, problems with parental or romantic problems.
Intiation and learning. Use your intuition and trust your own instincts.
Reversed: Out of balance. Repressed feelings, the refusal to learn and grow. Unrecognized potential.
Crone Goddess, waning moon magic. Seeing what others want to keep hidden. Misunderstanding, truth you can’t admit to yourself. Development of psychic powers.
Reversed: confusion, deceit, anxiety, fear.
Willpower, ambition, focus, drive. Overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction.
Reversed: No willpower, no drive, lack of focus or ambition, fear of commitment.
Legal matters, justice in a court case, cause and effect.
Reversed: Injustice, delays, unfair outcome.
Hope, peace, creativity and healing. Wishes granted
Reversed: Delay, doubt, spiritual blocks.
Everything happens for a reason, karma, destiny.
Reversed: Bad judgement, regret. What goes around comes around.
Questions that need answered, advice to be sought. Legal advice, counseling. Furthering education. Uncovering personal truths.
Reversed: unreliabe advice. Making hasty or poor decisions. Expecting others to make decisions for you.
Look at things from a different perspective.
Reversed: Not being able to let go or move forward
Shocking revelation, change of plans. Secrets revelaed. Dramatic change.
Reversed: arguments, trauma, destruction.
Taking time off, looking within. Take downtime for yourself and reflect. Mediation, intuition. Spending time in nature.
Reversed: Feeling isolated or unable to cope with problems on your own. Loneliness. Time to seek out new friends/coven.
Change, new way of life. Often shows up for pregnant women.
Reversed: traumatic adjustment, delay, deifficult change.
Leader, father figure, family man. Responsible and balanced person. Security and stability in life.
Reversed: lack of self-discipline, authority issues, inferiority, issues with parents.