swine Lab Practical Flashcards
Rattle paddle
Hit on rump or shoulder, has noise
Way to immobilize the pig
Use to check individual pigs
Place inside mouth of pig past the teeth and tightened onto snout
Rattle jug
Makes noise
Pigs move away from it
Flight zone
Area pig is comfortable having a person around, when flight zone is entered pig will move
Blind spot
Area of pig where they cannot see you, you could startle the pig
Point of balance
Area across pigs shoulders and when approached from behind, the pig moves forward
If approached from the front, the pig will move backward
A way to steer the pig
Pig hurdle
Used to block an area where pig should not go, it will be in pigs flight zone so it will move away from it
Slap stick
Flexible syringe
Gives extended injection
Shoulder is preferred location
Ham injection
Can sneak up to give, lowers quality
Won’t stay in herd long so its okay
Boar exposure
“Boer effect”
Stimulates release of GnRH, jumpstart cycling
Run boar outside pen twice a day
70-80% of gilts show estrus twice a day in 28 days
Also works with weaned sows
Pre-pubertal gilts
PG600-> jumpstart LH and FSH
Injection of ECG and hCG
80% of gilts show estrus 5-10 days after injection
Cycling females
Matrix- oral progesterone
Feed for 14 days
80-90% of mature sows and gilts display estrus 4-9 days after removal
Very expensive, 6.8mL/pig/ day
Group weaning
Wean all piglets at once
Removes inhibition on GnRH
90% of weaned sows display estrus within 10 days after removal
Standing heat
Vulva swells and reddens (day before or so)
Attempt to mount other pigs
In heat for 2-3 days and ovulate 12 hours before end of standing heat
Breed 12 hours after first heat detection and every 12 hours until no longer stands
Use boar by pen to see sow responses
Use spray that mimic boar effect
Visual appraisal for replacement gilts
Feet and leg soundness- important, spend most of time checking
Underline soundness
External genitalia
The larger the better
Large toe size
No cracked hooves or foot pad abrasions
Toe sizes should not differ by more than 1/2 inch
Front leg
Do not want straight fronted or upright, walk like no elbows
Do not want tipped too far over
Cull buck kneed- difficult time walking and getting up and down
Soft and weak Pasterns preferred, + impacts longevity
Rear leg
Do not want straight or upright
Do not want gilt/ sow to appear steep/ high topped
Do not want them to appear to be walking on tiptoes/ stiff-legged
Avoid sickle hock
Normal= slightly behind line
Feet and legs
Want good base width, hip and base width equal
Splay footed
Toes point outward
Pigeon toed
Toes pointed inward
Cow hocked
Hocks almost touching
Could give narrow base
Underline soundness
Screen at birth,weaning, and selection
6 functional nipples each side with adequate spacing= good
>7 function nipples each side with adequate spacing= excellent
External genitalia
Avoid/ cull gilts with small vulva, could have difficulty getting bred or during farrowing
Avoid/ cull gilts with tipped up vulva, could lead to higher incidence of metritis and cystitis
Replacement gilt growth
Should be in the fastest growing 50% of group
Growth= weight= sooner onset of puberty= bred earlier
Backfat of replacement gilts
Level of Backfat is farm specific and may change due to genetics, environment, and end market
Evaluate using genetics, ultrasound, BCS
Semen evaluation
Good quality boar semen essential to obtain satisfactory fertility rates
Appearance= milky to creamy consistency
Color= gray to white
Total sperm numbers= >15 x 10^9
Gross motility= >70%
Abnormal morphology= <20%
Cytoplasmic droplets= <15%
Most common sperm abnormalities
Coiled tail and double tail
What does it mean when you have a large percent of sperm in an ejaculate that have cytoplasmic droplet attached to them? How would you fix this problem fix you owned the boar
A large percent of cytoplasmic droplets attached to the sperm shows that the boar is being overused and the sperm doesn’t have enough time to completely develop. This can be fixed by ejaculating him less to by getting new, younger boar
Site for sperm to reach oviduct