Swine Industry Flashcards
Phylogeny of pigs: phylum, genus, and species.
Chordata; Sus; Scrofa
Domestic pig has ____ chromosomes
# of hog operations in US Operations with 2,000 or more head account for what percent of the inventory?
Inventory of all hogs and pigs
68.3 million head.
What purposes do hogs serve?
Food industry. Pharmaceuticals. Beauty industry. Construction industry. Plant industry. Entertainment. Companionship.
Female that hasn’t farrowed.
Female that has farrowed.
Male of breeding age.
Male castrated before puberty.
Young swine.
Swine that needs further feeding prior to slaughter.
Act of giving birth.
Number of different times a female has had offspring.
By 4900 BC, pigs were domesticated where?
By 1500 BC, pigs were being raised where?
3000-4000 BC: what 3 civilizations used pigs prominently in culture and diets?
Persian, Egyptian, and Chinese.
What 3 religions consider pork unclean to eat?
Jewish, Islamic, Hindu.
America’s first 13 pigs were where and when?
Tampa FL 1539
Who is the Father of the American Pork Industry?
Hernando de Soto
What is a razorback
Feral pig
World meat consumption of pork, chicken, beef, other, and turkey.
40% 29% 24% 5% 2%
In 2005, what country became the world’s largest pork exporter?
US production accounted for what percent of total world supply in 2008?
Total value of pork in USA?
$4.3 billion
Value of pork exports? (Per head)
$36.10 per head for each hog harvested in the US.
Pork exported countries. % of world supply.
US- 33% European Union- 25% Canada- 20% Brazil- 12% China- 4% Other- 3%
Purchasers of US Exported Pork
Japan-$1.5 billion Mexico-$542 million Canada-$501 million Russia-$205.5 million Hong Kong-$176 million South Korea-$194 million
What country consumes the most pork per capita?
Belarus. 94 pounds.
How many hogs are processed in the US
98 million
How many pounds of pork in the US
19 billion pounds
Farm sales in US ($)
$11 billion
Total retail sales to consumers ($)
$38 billion
Daily harvest capacity
444,925 head.
Each 265 pound market hog represents how many servings?
US sow herd
5.77 million head
Leanest cuts of pork have what characteristic?
“Loin” in the name.
Pork should be cooked to an internal temp. Of what? Followed by a rest time of how many minutes?
145 degrees F.
3 minutes.
Birth weights
2-3 pounds.
Average litter size
7-15 piglets.
Weaning weight
10-15 pounds at 2-3 weeks of age.
30-40 pounds at 6 weeks of age.
Slaughter weight.
190-280+ pounds.
Average in 2015 was 285#
Average dressed weight of 213.
Mature weight
500-800# boar
400-700# sow
Weaning age
2-6 weeks
Slaughter age
5-6 months
Breeding age
7-8 months
3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days (112-115 days)
Estrus cycle
19-21 days
Duration of estrus
2-3 days
21 days
Average age of standard market hogs at 250 pounds
6 months
Farrow to Finish operations
All stages of production. From breeding thru finishing.
Farrow to Nursery operations
Breeding through marketing 40-60# feeder pigs to grow-finish farms.
Farrow to Wean operations
Breeding through marketing 10-15 pound weaned pigs to nursery-grow-finish farms.
Wean to Finish operations
Purchase weaned pigs and Finish them to market weights.
What is the major production input of pork production
Feed accounts for more than what percent of all production expenses
Average whole-herd feed efficiency
3-3.2 pounds of feed per 1 pound of weight gain.
Stomach type
Energy ingredients in rations
Carbs–corn, milo, little wheat
Protein ingredients
Soy bean meal. Meet lysine requirements (first limiting amino acid)
Creep vs. finishing rations
- 8% lysine
0. 8% lysine
Bushel weighs how many pounds
Less corn use recently due to high cost. What is the substitute
Dried distillers grains, ethanol production by-product.
Compared to 1950’s hogs,
Today’s model is ______% less fat
WWII avg was 2.85 inches of back fat. Why?
Demand for lard for use in making ammunition.
Today, avg back fat is
0.75 inches
Majority of commercial hogs are ______, developed for ______ or ______ traits.
Pork is responsible for over _____ in domestic activity
$72 billion
Over _______ jobs associated with hog production.
Adds over _____ to basic production inputs such as corn and soybeans.
$27 billion
In the 1950’s there were nearly ______ operations.
3 million.
Today, there are _______ hog operations
Farms are _____- nearly ____% of hogs produced are from operations that market more than ______ hogs annually