Sweep 1 Flashcards
Fromatechnicalstandpoint,itisimpossible to —— a palatal flap.
apically position
Thinned palatal flap
Cut off gingiva above bone, scallop out gingiva near bone, close.
A distal wedge is a periodontal surgical procedure for removing excessive soft tissue
distal to a terminal tooth
• A term “wedge” refers to a process for —— by removal of a
internal thinning
block of tissue
Typical sites for wedges
- Maxillary tuberosity
* Mandibular retromolar area • Edentulous ridges
Distal wedge advantages
• Provide access to ———
• Allow internal thinning of ———
• It is possible to obtain ——— of the wound after reduction of bulky tissue
bone and furcations
bulky tissue
primary closure
Distal wedge Triangular:
least difficult, least invasive
• Square: provides best access
• Linear: most effective at preserving keratinized gingiva
Distal wedge
• Square:
provides best access
Distal wedge
• Linear:
most effective at preserving keratinized gingiva
Conservative Flap Designs
• Intended to minimize —–
• Good for ——–
maxillary anterior teeth
Conservative flap designs
-Modified Widman Flap
– Flap curettage (open flap debridement
Modified Widman Flap
- A scalloped, replaced mucoperiosteal flap accomplished with an internal bevel incision
- Provides access for root planing
- Conservative design permits primary closure of the flap
modified Widman flap is elevated only
2 to 3 mm apical to the alveolar crest
With conservative flaps, there is little or no ——-. The flap is adapted to obtain primary closure
bone resection
Interrupted sutures
Simple loop modification Figure 8 modification
Sling sutures
Single sling suture
Continuous sling suture
Sutures should be inserted through the ——– first
more mobile flap
Sutures should be placed no closer than —– mm from the edge of the flap
In the interdental papilla, should enter and exit the tissue at a point located below the line that forms the
base of the triangle of the interdental papilla
Periodontal dressings
- To protect the wound postsurgically
- For patient comfort
- To obtain and maintain a close adaptation of the mucosal flaps to the underlying bone
Post operative plaque control
- 0.12% chlorhexidine (Peridex, Periogard)
Maintain good postsurgical wound stability
- adequate suturing technique
- protection of wound from mechanical trauma during healing
Suture removal
- Use mouthrinse to clean the wound
- Cut the suture close to the tissue as possible to avoid dragging bacteria into the wound
- When removing continuous sutures, each section should be cut and pulled out individually
Annual rate of Attachment Loss = 0
.22 mm