Swedish Quiz 3 Flashcards
Who is given credit for developing Swedish massage?
Per Henrick Ling
When did massage originate?
2000 BC
Who introduced the Swedish Movement Cure to the US?
Charles Fayette Taylor & George Henry Taylor in 1856
What factors contributed to the massage scandal in the late 1800’s?
Improper recruitment tactics
Certification abuse
Massage associated with prostitution
Improper training
What technique is used to treat chronic lymph edema and other diseases of the lymphatic system?
Lymphatic drainage
Who developed connective tissue massage?
Elizabeth Dicke
Where and when was the American Massage Therapy Association originally formed?
Chicago 1943
Who developed Transverse friction Massage?
James Cyriax
Who is Doctor Tiffany Field?
Did touch research at University of Miami 1991 to present
Demonstrated via studies the value of massage to doctors
When was the NCETMB developed
Who is Dr. Leon Chaitow
Developed master and doctorate degree in massage in UK
Who developed the Trager System?
Doctor Milton Trager