Swaps, Forwards, Futures Strategies Flashcards
Show the mechanics of the following transaction:
Company issues $1M in bonds at LIBOR + 50bps
Enters Fixed-for-floating
Swap Rate = 1.25%
How can you use interest rate swaps to change duration?
A received fixed is a positive duration instrument, so it can be used to lengthen. You can enter a pay fixed if you want to reduce duration.
How do swaps introduce basis risk?
Swap rates are based on interbank rates whereas assets and liabilities are usually based on T Bills or Corps.
How do you calculate the notional value of an interest rate swap to bring portfolio to a desired duration?
Notional = Target Duration - Current Duration/Swap Duration
How do eurodollar futures contracts relate to interest rates?
Eurodollar futures are priced as 100-reference rate. Therefore, you make money when rates drop.
What is the preferred way to hedge bond positions?
Fixed income futures
What is the duration of a fixed income futures contract?
It will be the duration of the cheapest to deliver bond
How do you determine the hedge ratio for fixed income futures?
Notional = BPV Target - BPV Portfolio/BPV Future all * CF
How do you calculate BPV?
BPV is the Duration * MV of a bond * 0.0001
How do you calculate the BPV of a fixed income future?
Duration * MV * 1000 * 0.0001
What is a cross currency basis swap? Draw the framework:
This is a contract where two firms exchange currencies (spot rate), pay periodic interests, and exchange back in the future.
What is the benefit of a cross currency basis swap to a US investor when USD demand is high?
When USD demand is high, you can shave bps off of the rate that you will pay the counterparty in the swap, therefore increasing your return above the local interest rate.
What is the difference between a cash or physically settled total return swap?
Cash settled is simply exchanging cash, physical settlement you actually give the equity position at the end of the period and receive the amount valued at the beginning
How do you calculate the notional value of an equities future contract?
Value of the futures * the multiplier (often 250)
How do you determine the notional amount of equity futures needed to adjust the beta of a portfolio?
Notional = Target Beta - Portfolio Beta/Futures Beta * (Portfolio Value/Futures value(F*multiplier))
What is cash equitization and how do you do it?
This is when you want your cash to act like equity via futures. The notional number of long futures:
Notional = Beta Target/Beta futures * Portfolio Cash/Futures value
What is the VIX based on?
It is based on the price of near dates calls and puts on the index. The VIX reading is the implied annualized standard deviation of the index. For example, if VIX is 15, over next 30 days the SD of returns on the index is 15 annualized (need to make it monthly)
What does contango actually mean?
Contango is an upward sloping curve where expected spot prices are less than futures prices. The spot price is pulling the futures price down.
What does backwardation actually mean?
This is a downward sloping curve where expected spot is higher than futures and is dragging up the futures curve.
What is negative roll and when would you have it on a future contract?
Futures contracts must converge to spot prices over time. When the curve is in contango, futures prices are higher than expected spot prices. If you buy a future a month out where the futures price is higher than expect spot prices, when approaches maturity you have two choices - buy the asset at the futures price or sell the contract. Most people will sell the contract and receive the value, which will converge to spot. However, because the futures prices are upward sloping in contango, you end up paying more per unit to roll it over.
What do call options on the VIX mean? What do put options mean?
This means you are betting on high vol, and kind of a bet on equities going down. Put options are the opposite.
What is the notional amount on a variance swap?
Notional = Vega notional/2* strike
What is the settlement amount of a variance swap?
= Notional * (Realized variance - strike variance)
How do we find the value of a variance swap?
= Notional * (t/T * Realized Variance + T-t/T * Implied Variance - Strike^2) *(PFV)
Implied vol is the strike on a new contract
How do they come up with a strike price on a variance swap?
Strike is approx IV of a put such that putstrike/indexprice = 90%
What can you imply from fed funds futures?
1) Effective FF rate implied = 100-expected rates
2) Probability of rate hikes
How do we calculate the probability of a rate hike?
Probability = Implied FF rates - Current mid rate/Expected Hike rate mid point - Current mid point