Swallowing Flashcards
What are the motor functions of CN V in the oral prep phase of the swallow?
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Which cranial nerves are involved in the swallow?
Describe 6 important parts of the oral prep phase of the swallow:
Food is received in mouth
Food is impounded in mouth by lip sealing, tongue dorsum elevating, and velum depressing.
Food is moved onto molars by the tongue.
Food is mixed with saliva.
Food is formed into a bolus.
Food is removed from buccal cavity by tongue action.
(Seikel et al, 2019)
Describe 3 elements of the oral transit phase of the swallow:
Tongue tip elevates to alveolar ridge.
Bolus is propelled posteriorly by squeezing action. Bolus makes contact with faucial pillars and velum.
(Seikel et al, 2019)
Describe 8 critical elements of the pharyngeal phase of the swallow:
Bolus enters oropharynx. Velum elevates. Larynx elevates. Vocal folds adduct. Epiglottis inverts to protect airway Tongue contacts posterior pharyngeal wall. Upper esophageal sphincter opens. Pharynx contracts with peristaltic action.
(Seikel, et al, 2019).