Sustainable Site SS Flashcards
Name two authority references for controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust.
2003 EPA and Local erosion & sediment controls
List four authority references that may determine if a site is inappropriate to develop.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, FEMA, Threatened/Endangered Species List, U.S. Code for defining Wetlands
What are six land types that should not be developed?
Prime Farmland, Undeveloped land less than 5 feet above 100 year floodplain, Undeveloped land with 50 feet of water body, Land with Endangered or Threatened Species, Within 100 feet of wetlands, Public Parkland
To increase Develop Density, you can construct/renovate on a Previously Developed site AND with a Community Development Density of _________ ft2/acre.
To increase Community Connectivity, you can construct/renovate on Previously Developed site AND within ____ mile of Residential Community with ____units/acre AND within ____ mile from at least ____ basic services AND _______ access between buildings and services.
To increase Community Connectivity, you can construct/renovate on Previously Developed site AND within 1/2 mile of Residential Community with 10 units/acre AND within 1/2 mile from at least 10 basic services AND Pedestrian access between buildings and services.
How many square feet to one acre?
43,560 square feet
What is the calculation to determine the Density Radius?
Square root of Property Area X 3
When can Parking be included in the Development Density calculation?
Must be multi-story, but 2-Story is maximum contribution toward development density.
What is the minimum average building size (sq ft/acre) required for Development Density?
60,000 sq ft/acre excluding streets, sidewalks, and public property.
What are considered “Basic Services” for Community Connectivity?
Bank, Place of Worship, Convenience Grocery, Day Care, Cleaners, Fire Station, Beauty Shop, Hardware, Laundry, Library, Medical/Dental, Senior Care Facility, Park, Pharmacy, Post Office, Restaurant, School, Supermarket, Theater, Community Center, Fitness Center, Museum.
Which basic service can be counted up to 2 services for Community Connectivity?
What are three authorites for identifyiing Brownfields?
ASTM E-1903-97 Phase II Site Assessment, Local Voluntary Cleanup Program or Local/State/Federal Agency.
Gasoline is responsible for _____% of U.S. CO2 emissions.
Public Transportation Access credit is achieved by locating the site within ____ mile from rail or subway OR within ______ mile from TWO public or campus bus line stop.
Public Transportation Access credit is achieved by locating the site within 1/2 mile from rail or subway OR within 1/4 mile from TWO public or campus bus line stop.
To obtain Exemplary Performance for Public Transportation Access, locate near _____ the number of campus/Public bus lines AND with ____bus/rail stops per day.
Double, 200
For non-residential, provide bike racks for ____% of ________
5% of Peak Building Occupancy. (FTE + Peak Visitors)
For non-residential, provide showers for ____% of ______
1/2% (or .5%) of FTE (Full Time Workers)
Bike racks and showers should be provided within ______ yards of main entrance. (Non Residential)
200 yards
For residential, provide ______ and _____ bike racks for ____% of building occupants.
Secure and Covered, 15%
To achieve EP for Alternative Transportation, the management plan must demonstrate what?
A Quantifiable Reduction in automobile use by implementing Multiple Alternative Options.
____% of the Site’s Parking Capacity should be provided for preferred parking for LEFE (Low Emission and Fuel Efficient) vehicles
As an option for LEFE preferred parking, what can be provided?
LEFE refueling capacity for 3% of Parking Capacity or provide LEFE vehicles for 3% of FTE along with preferred parking.
What two authorites define a LEFE vehicle?
CA Air Resources Board or ACEEE minimum green score of 40.
To achieve non-residential alternative transportation parking capacity credit, parking cannot exceed _________ and preferred carpool parking spots must be provided for ____% of total parking spots.
Minimum zoning, 5%
Another method for obtaining alternative parking capacity credit is to keep parking below ______% of _____ and provide ____% preferred carpool spots.
5% of FTE, 5%
SS-C5.1 intends to ______ OR _______ the habitat.
___% of site including building or ____ % of site excluding building
Protect or Restore, 20%, 50%
Greenfield shall be protected beyond _____ feet of building perimeter.
40 feet
Greenfield shall be protected beyond _____ feet of constructed permeable surfaces (Sports Field)
25 feet
Greenfield shall be protected beyond _____ feet of primary roads and main utility
15 feet
Greenfield shall be protected beyond _____ feet of sidewalks, parking, or patio and ___ feet from a utility.
10 feet, 1 foot
To obtain SS-C5.1, habitat shall restore _____% of site (excluding building) or ____% of site including building.
50% excluding building or 20% including building
To obtain EP on SS-C5.1, the site restoration excluding building shall be ___% OR including the building ____%
75%, 30%
To maximize open space, provide ___% more than required by ______.
25% more than local zoning
For areas with no zoning, open space must be the same size as ______ OR if no minimum open space is required _____% of _______ with __________. If counting green roof and pedestrian hardscape, then at least ____% must be vegetated. Wetlands and ponds count if _______________.
Building footprint, 20% of site area with vegetation.
Less than 1/4 slope and vegetated.
If located within the city, what items count as open space?
Pedestrian hardscape and garden space. (> 25% must be vegetated.)
In all cases, which additional site properties qualify as open space?
Wetlands, ponds and vegetated side slopes. (Must be < 1/4” slope and vegetated)
How can EP be earned for “Site Development Maximize Open Space” ?
Double the standard option.
How can impervious cover be reduced?
Use grassy pavers or open grid pavement.
If existing imperviousness is less than or equal to 50% of the site, stormwater quantity control is achieved by ___________
keeping the post development stormwater quantity the same as the predevelopment.
If existing imperviousness is greater than 50% of the site, the post development stormwater quantity must be reduced by ______%
What are effective strategies for reducing the amount of impervious area?
Smaller building footprint, pervious paving materials, stormwater harvesting for reuse, green roofs, bioswales/vegetated filter strips, retention ponds, bioretention/rain gardens, clustering development to reduce roads & sidewalks
To increase stormwater quality, ____% of ____must be captured and treated?
90% of annual rainfall
What are some stormwater pollutants?
Nutrients, sediment, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, gas additives, pathogens, de-icers, herbicides & pesticides.
What are two strategies for improving stormwater quality?
Reduce impervious area and collect or intercept.
What are the two factors for SRI?
Albedo (reflectance) and Emittance (radiation)
To reduce nonroof heat island effect, provide ____% of site hardscape with a combination of what four items?
50%, Shade (within 5 years of occupancy), Shade from Solar Panels, Paving Material with SRI of 29 or higher, Open Grid Paving System
Another option for reducing non roof heat island effect is to place ___% of _______ under cover. The cover must have SRI value of ____ or higher.
50% of parking. SRI 29 or higher
To reduce roof heat island effect, what can be provided?
High SRI for 75% of roof OR vegetated roof for 50% of roof area OR combination of both.
What should the SRI factor be for a low slope (< 2:12) roof? and for a high slope roof? (>2:12)
78 for low slope, 29 for high slope
To obtain EP for reducing roof heat island effect, what % should be a garden roof?
What are excluded from EP credit calc for garden roof?
Skylights, solar panels, HVAC Equipment, ducts, penetrations.
What is the reference guide for reducing light pollution?
IESNA/ASHRAE 90.1-2007
What are two strategies for reducing light pollution from indoor lighting?
Reduce power to non-emergency lights after hours by 50% (shining out of exterior windows) and use automatic shielding (shades) for windows.
What are three strategies for reducing light pollution from outdoor lighting?
Limit the amount of light pointed at the sky, limit power density (watts/sq ft) limit light levels at property lines. (Don’t exceed ASHRAE 90.1 2007)
What prerequisite is required for School site selection?
Perform Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. (ASTM E1527-05) If contamination is found perform Phase II. (ASTM E1903-97) Must not build on landfills.
What strategies can be used to select a school site to make sure its not contaminated?
Review Historical records, visit site and look for hazards, interview people who know site history.
What two strategies help prevent prevent pollution during construction?
1 - Structural (Earth dike, silt fence, sediment trap or basin.
2- Stabilization (temp or permanent seeding or mulching
A Construction General Permit is normally required for greater than ___ acre sites, but applies to ALL LEED projects.
1 acre
____% total pref parking space to LEFE or ____% alternative refuel stations, or 1 shared LEFE for _____ FTE.
5%, 3%, 267
What are 7 strategies for protecting and restoring habitat?
1- Pick build site carefully
2- Mark disturbance boundaries
3- Use paved areas for staging
4- Assign and mark recycling areas
5- Fence drip line of existing trees
6- Replace pavement and turf grass with native
7- If eligible for SScr2 - Garden Roof = Open Space
A 2nd method for Quality Control of Stormwater Design is to use BMP to remove _____% of _____ as accepted by ______ or ________
Use Best Management Practices to remove 80% of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) as accepted by TARP (Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership OR State/Local Standards
Arid = Less than ___ per year, or ____” per 24 hrs
20” year , 1/2” in 24 hrs
Semi Arid = ___ per year, or ____” per 24 hrs
20” - 40” or 3/4” in 24 hrs
Humid = ____ per year or _____ “ per 24 hrs
More than 40”, 1” in 24 hrs
Stormwater Design-Quantity: What are the two option plans?
1 - Plan for 1 and 2 year 24 hour design storm discharge.
2 - Plan for the 2 year storm only.
(Both rate and quantity are important)
SS-C9 - Schools-Site Master Plan: Schools achieve ___ out of 7 of these credits for Site Selection.
4 out of these 7 SS-C1 Site Selection SS-C5.1 Protect and Restore Habitat SS-C5.2 Maximize Open Space SS-C6.1 Stormwater Quantity Control SS-C6.2 Quality Control SS-C7.1 Heat Island Effect - Non Roof SS-C8 Light Pollution Reduction
SS C-10 Schools - How can schools integrate into the community (3 Options)
1- Ensure 3 spaces are available to public or
2- Provide community at least 2 dedicated spaces
3- At least 2 spaces are owned by public and open to students.
SS C-4.1 Alt Transportation - ____% of students need to be within walking distance. K-8 is ___miles and 9-12 is ___ miles. What is required in both directions?
80%, .75 miles for K-8 and 1.5 miles for 9-12
Bike/Walking paths required to end of property in two directions.
SS C-4.1 Alt Transportation - If a project is too far to walk to public transportation, what can be used?
What advantage do schools have?
Shuttle, School buses count
SS C-4.1 Alt Transportation - For Core and Shell projects. Bike Racks for ___% of occupants and showers for ___%
3% and .5%
If using $ discount for LEFE cars, what is the minimum discount needed?
Which lighting zone is used for Commercial & High Density Residential?
Zone 3
Which lighting zone is used for Park and Rural Settings?
Zone 1
Which lighting zone is used for Residential?
Zone 2
Which lighting zone is used for Major City Centers and Entertainment?
Zone 4
What are the FC at property boundary for LZ1, 2, 3, & 4?
.01, .10, .20, .60
What is the distance from the property boundary for LZ1, 2, 3, & 4 to achieve 0.10 FC?
0, 10, 15, 15 (feet)