Sustainable farming practices Flashcards
Why is Rotating crops a sustainable farming practice?
Planting a variety of crops encourages crop diversity because it improves soil quality and pest control.
Why is integrating livestock and crops a sustainable farming practice?
Smart integration of crop and animal production can make farms more efficient and profitable.
Why is planting cover crops a sustainable farming practice?
Cover crops such as clover, rye or hairy vetch are planted during off-season months to keep the soil covered year-round when it might otherwise be left bare. This helps prevent soil erosion and reduces the need for fertilizers and herbicides.
Why is permaculture a sustainable farming practice?
Permaculture design techniques include growing grain without tillage, herb and plant spirals, and keyhole and mandala gardens. These efficient techniques help to reduce the waste of resources.
Why is better water management a sustainable farming practice?
Crops that do not demand much water are grown in dry areas to reduce water usage in farming methods.