Sustainable Cities Flashcards
What are the three pillars of sustainable cities?
- Environmentally sustainable urbanisation and improvement of the quality of the environment
- Economic sustainability of urban areas when there are disparities in wealth
- Social justice leading to equal access to facilities and equal quality of services
What distinguishes a metaconurbation from a megacity?
Metaconurbations – bands of contiguous urbanisation – The European Banana – urbanised heartland of the Nord region of France, London, Netherlands and Belgium, Italy and Mediterranean France
Megacities- cities with populations over 10 million – dated concept – metacities is the modern term and refers to Mexico City (19.5 million), Sao Paulo (21.3 million), Mumbai (20 million)
What was the difference in urban populations between 1900 and 2010?
1900 – 5% lived in cities. 2010 – over 50% live in cities
What is the rate of growth in Asia?
Asia is urbanising rapidly – 2.28% in 2005-2010 – especially SHENZHEN, Dhaka, Karachi, Bangkok
How many live in informal settlements according to the UN?
25-50% live in informal settlements
How many do not have access to clean water?
1.2 billion globally have no access to clean water
What is the Gini index, and what examples can be given to demonstrate the index in action?
GINI INDEX – measures extent of distribution of income among people deviates from perfectly equal distribution. 1 = absolute inequality and 0 = perfect equality.
- 25 - Sweden
- 34 – UK
- 63 - Sierra Leone
Case study: Chennai?
4th largest city in India \+ 1 million people live in slums 45,000 homeless 5% no access to a toilet 23% pop. Illiterate 75000 child beggars 72% lowest caste Highest crime rate against women 50% per year increase in cars 65% per year increase in bikes 55% work informally 87% permanent housing
How many litres of water were used per household in Bristol?
56,000 litres per household in 2007-2008 – 18% = leakages
What’s the water situation in Chennai?
6,000 tanker loads per day supplies the city – over 200 bottled water companies operate successfully in Chennai
What is the Kolkata Waste-water fed agricultural system?
Kolkata – waste-water fed agricultural system provides livelihood for 17,000 using waste water for fish ponds, paddy fields and decayed vegetable matter as a fertiliser – degraded water V BAD for health
City environments: what are the hazards?
o 10 largest cities – 8 earthquake prone, 9 affected by storms, 8 in flood risk zones.
What are the global scale sustainable projects? (4)
o Urban Management Programme – UN-HABITAT (1986) – strengthen the contribution of ccities in LEDCs to economic and social development. 140 cities, 58 countries. Housing, crime, waste and water.
o Sustainable Cities Programme- UN-HABITAT - Chennai
o Safer Cities Programme – UN-HABITAT – focused on Africa, but now includes Latin America and Asia.
o Local Agenda 21 – UN conference on Environment and Development – Think global, act local
What are the continental sustainable initiatives?
o European Green Capital – one capital picked per year to improve the urban living environment
o Vitoria Gasteiz – capital in 2012 (Spain)
What is the criteria for the European Green Capital?
Cooperation and partnership between stakeholders aimed at developing and improving urban living conditions
Sustainable mobility solutions
Introduction of parks and recreational areas
A modern approach to waste management
Innovative solutions to noise pollution
An integrated approach to urban management ensuring positive long-term effects
Compact Cities: Discuss Curitiba
Curitiba pioneered the compact city approach to lower the time and cost of travelling in 1965. The city (3.5 million people)
Buses carry 270 passengers. Effects:
• 75% of commuters use public transport
• Residents spend 10% of income on transport
• Traffic levels have declined 30% since 1974
• Fuel consumption 25% lower
• 85% of residents use the bus each day
• Self-sufficient financially
Local Scale Initiatives?
o Ikotoilets – Kenya – improve communal toilets
o Walking school bus – UK
o Cycle and ride in Copenhagen
o Boris Bikes in London
o BedZED – 82 homes w/ sustainable design and society.
What is a successful sustainable city and why?
Sustainable seattle - grassroots and council initiatives - INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT