Sustainability and Saving Species Flashcards
What are the four reasons we recycle?
Conserve natural resources, saves energy and reduces pollution, saves landfill space, which saves habitat, and sustainable living.
What are two types of (do it yourself) composting?
The two main types are pile composting and vermicompost.
Describe pile composting.
Pile compost takes a carbon source (brown, dry materials like dead leaves, cardboard, newspaper) and a nitrogen source (green, moist material like lawn clippings, dead flowers, fruit and vegetable scraps) and stacks them like a multi-layer cake.
Describe vermicompost.
Vericompost uses special worms to decompose the materials. This form requires a special house built for the worms where soil, newspaper, and water make up the home for the worms. As food scraps and organic materials are added, the worms eat them and the byproduct the soil.
In 2010, what was the percentage of Americans recycling paper?
In 2010, Americans recycled around 60% of the paper they used.
Why is aluminum one of the resources to recycle?
Aluminium is one of the best resources to recycle because one piece can be recycled time and time again.
Explain bauxite.
The main component that goes into making aluminium is bauxite. It is an ore that is found around the world. It is mined most heavily in Australia, South America, and Asia (India and China). Bauxite is open-cast mined, which means the top soil is pushed away and the bauxite is scooped out.
What does recycling 1 ton of plastic equal?
Recycling 1 ton of plastic saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space, that’s about the same space as a family sized spa.
What is a problem with recycling plastic?
A problem with plastics is its durability. Although it works wonderfully for humans with maintaining and storing food and materials, it breaks apart easily, but doesn’t degrade quickly. Many times birds will come across bottle caps or plastic wrappers, and be curious to investigate them.
What is the pesticide called that is killing off honeybees?
What are “green house gases”?
Green house gasses are carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and water vapor.
What is the climate change?
It’s a change in the weather patterns.
What is climate change?
It’s a change in the weather patterns.
Why are green house gases important for keeping the earth warm?
Without them, Earth would be a much colder place.
The Grevy’s zebra is the largest of the how many zebra species.
The Grevy’s zebra is the largest of the three zebra species.
In the late 1970’s, how many Grevy’s zebras were thee?
In the late 1970s there were an estimated 15,000 Grevy’s zebra roaming the plains.
As of October 30, 2011, how many California Condors were there?
As of October 30, 2011, the population of California condors had grown to nearly 400, including over 200 condors living in the wild.
Today there are approximately how many Grevy’s zebras?
Today there are approximately 2,500 individuals remaining across Kenya and less than 150 sprinkled in southern Ethiopia.