Saving Species and Sustanibilty Flashcards
California Condors: What was causing the Condors to be extinct?
In the early 1980s, destruction of habitat, pollution, and lead poisoning almost wiped out the entire California condor population. Condors play a vital role in maintaining a clean environment for humans by eating carrion (carcass of a dead animal), and being a scavenger.
What animal is the most endangered in Mexico today?
The baja peninsula pronghorn is one of the most endangered large mammals in Mexico today.
Pronghorn: What is one cool fact about the Pronghorn?
One cool fact about pronghorn is that they kind of have a horn AND an antler.
Giant Pandas: What is a constant habitat for the giant pandas?
The giant panda inhabits the dense bamboo forests of south central China.
Giant Pandas: What is the population estimation of giant pandas now?
The current population estimation is around 1,600 bears.
African Elephants: What are some of the reasons elephants are having a hard time?
African elephants are having a tough time in many areas of Africa, due to habitat fragmentation, excessive hunting, demand for agricultural land, and human pressure.
African Elephants: What is the organization the San Diego Zoo Global has paired up with to help elephants?
Elephants Without Borders is one of the longest and largest elephant movement studies in Africa.
Koalas: What is a cool fact about koalas?
The San Diego Zoo is home to the largest group of Queensland koalas outside of Australia.
Koalas: What are the reasons koalas are endangered?
Queensland koalas are a threatened species due to drought, human influences (car collisions, dogs, and urban development), habitat loss and fragmentation.
California Condors : How many were there in 1982?
Approximately 22.
What are “greenhouse gases”?
Green house gasses are carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and water vapor.
Why are “greenhouse gases” important?
Green house gases are very important in keeping the Earth at an overall warmer temperature. Without them, Earth would be a much colder place.
What happens when too much heat comes down on earth?
With too much heat coming back down to earth, the climate in different areas can be thrown off.
Where are all these extra green house gases coming from?
Temperature changes on Earth have been going on for hundreds of thousands of years, but in the last 170 years, scientists have found the rate of increase has accelerated significantly compared to past centuries.
What can people do to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that they are producing?
Carpooling to work, unplugging your electronics when not in use, and buying recycled products, are all good ways to lower your carbon dioxide output as well.
What is compost?
Compost is an organic material that can be used as soil or can work as an additive to make soil healthier for growing plants.
Why is compost important?
Compost is important because it can regenerate poor soil, reduces landfill space, saves water, and reduces the need for pesticides and fertilizers.
Why can’t we recycle plastic wrap?
Plastic wrap, plastic utensils, and plastic bags are like sticky gum being put through the recycling machine.
Can you recycle a partly dirty peanut butter jar?
Yes, food containers containing minimal residue are still recyclable. They get washed at the recycle center.
What is climate change?
It’s a change in the weather patterns.