Survival Kit 12 - Professions - SP-EN Flashcards
La doctora Sánchez es una médica maravillosa.
Doctor Sanchez is a wonderful (medical) doctor.
la ingeniera
the engineer (f)
el doctor
the doctor (m)
el traductor
the translator (m)
la médica
the (medical) doctor (f)
el cartero
the mail carrier / mailman
el carpintero
the carpenter (m)
el científico
the scientist (m)
el agricultor
the farmer (m)
la autora
the author (f)
la técnica
the technician (f)
el enfermero
the nurse (m)
la artista
the artist (f)
la carrera
the career
la programadora
the programmer (f)
el camarero
the waiter / chamberlain (m)
la arquitecta
the architect (f)
el cocinero [2]
the cook (m)
the chef (m)
la plomera
the plumber (f)
la cajera
the cashier (f)
el minero
the miner (m)
la abogada
the lawyer (f)
la jueza
the judge (f)
el plomero
the plumber (m)
el fotógrafo
the photographer (m)
el intérprete
the interpreter (m)
el arquitecto
the architect (m)
la escritora
the writer (f)