Survival Kit 09 - Family Matters - SP-EN Flashcards
la divorciada
the divorcée / the divorced woman
el prometido
the fiancé
el hijo
the son
el papá
the dad
el primo
the (male) cousin
Mi tío es soltero. [2]
My uncle is single.
My uncle is a single man.
el casado
the married man
el hermanastro
the stepbrother
la pareja [2]
the partner
the couple
la prima
the (female) cousin
el nieto
the grandson
Mis padres están divorciados.
My parents are divorced.
los hijos [2]
the children
the descendants
(the sons)
el padre
the father
el viudo
the widower
el tío
the uncle
los primos
the cousins
Mi hermana está casada con Alejandro.
My sister is married to Alejandro.
la soltera
the single woman / bachelorette
la abuela
the grandmother
los bisabuelos
the great-grandparents
(the great-grandfathers)
los parientes
the relatives
la familia
the family
el cuñado
the brother-in-law
los padres
the parents
(the fathers)
la madre
the mother
la compañera
the (female) partner / companion / coworker
el novio
the boyfriend
el padrastro
the stepfather
la hermana
the sister
el sobrino
the nephew
la hermanastra
the stepsister
la casada
the married woman
el bisabuelo
the great-grandfather
la nieta
the granddaughter
la viuda
the widow
la hija
the daughter
el suegro
the father-in-law
Mi madre está divorciada de mi padre.
My mother is divorced from my father.
la madrastra
the stepmother
la cuñada
the sister-in-law
el hermano
the brother
la mamá
the mom
la suegra
the mother-in-law
los hermanos
the siblings
(the brothers)
los sobrinos
the nieces and nephews
(the nephews)
la sobrina
the niece
los tíos
the aunts and uncles
(the uncles)
el compañero
the (male) partner / companion / coworker
el marido
the husband
la novia
the girlfriend
los abuelos
the grandparents
(the grandfathers)
Mis abuelas son viudas. [2]
My grandmothers are widowed
My grandmothers are widows.
Mi hermana está casada.
My sister is married.
el divorciado
the divorcé / divorced man
la abuelita
the grandma
el abuelo
the grandfather
los nietos
the grandchildren
(the grandsons)
la bisabuela
the great-grandmother
la tía
the aunt
la esposa
the spouse / wife
la mujer [2]
the wife
the woman
la prometida
the fiancée
el soltero
the single man / bachelor
el esposo
the spouse / husband
el abuelito
the grandpa