Surveying Safely Flashcards
What does Surveying Safely 2018 set out?
- Basic, good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members.
- Principles for those engaged in the built environment as property professionals and includes health and safety responsibilities:
- At a corporate level (whether the RICS - regulated firm is large or small), and - at the level of the individual RICS member.
What is the Structure of Surveying Safely, 2018?
- Personal responsibilities for RICS members and firms
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace health and safety
4 . Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What does surveying safely state that RICS Regulated firms must ensure they provide? (4 things)
RICS Regulated Firms must ensure they provide:
- A safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What other key areas of advice does surveying safely, 2018 include?
- RICS considers the concept of a ‘safe person’ to mean that each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work
- It seeks to ensure that individuals accept responsibility for their own actions and they have the tools they need to do their job safely
- A requirement for updated personal and corporate responsibilities for property professionals (including relevant law, employers’ liability insurance and public liability)
- Legal considerations and duties for employers and employees to include advice on asbestos
- Advice on health, well-being and mental health
- Updated advice on fire safety
- An audit template is provided to assist Members
What are some more general safety points within Surveying Safely, 2018?
- Assessing hazards and risks (to include risk assessments , H&S policy etc)
- Property professional’s places of work (to include emergency arrangements and building services)
- Occupational health (to include stress and bullying)
- Visiting premises and sites (to include travel arrangements, lone working, PPE etc)
- Consider precautions and potential hazards/risk assessments
- refer to your own firm’s specific requirements
- Tell someone where you are going and when you leave the building/site
- It places greater emphasis will be placed on Members having correct operational practices in place
What is some further guidance in Surveying Safely 2018 in relation to construction and construction/development sites?
- Procurement and management of construction work (to include COM Regulations)
- Wear appropriate protective clothing when appropriate such as a high visibility jacket, protective footwear, hard hat, protective goggles, gloves and ear defenders
- Sign in and out of a building or construction site and receive a site induction. Do not just enter the site or building, and wear suitable footwear
- Consider whether safe to inspect alone and observe special lone working arrangements
- Check dated tag if going on scaffolding
- Wear non -slip sole shoes/ boots when going up a ladder
What are the changes from the 2011 edition of Surveying Safely?
- Introduction of a ‘safe person’ concept
- Introduction of the hierarchy of risk control
- New chapter of residential property surveying
- Removed the chapter on ‘legal considerations and duties’
- Updated advice on fire safety
What is the Hierarchy of risk control in Surveying Safely 2018?
- Elimination – redesign activity so hazard is eliminated
- Substitution – materials/proposed work for less hazardous one.
- Engineering controls – e.g. to prevent falls
- Administrative controls – E.g. reducing lone working or ensuring good day light
- Personal protective clothes and equipment – where previous methods are found ineffective in controlling risk PPE should be used.
What are some of the organisational responsibilities in the safe person section of surveying safely, 2018?
- selection: everyone having, or being capable of developing, the job skills and competence to meet the demands of their work activities
- training: including providing knowledge about the potential hazards in a working environment.
- information: providing staff with information about the risks and control measures associated with their working environment. This information may be generic in nature or it may relate to specific sites
- equipment: providing staff with equipment that is suitable for the purposes for which it is intended, and everyone understanding its use and limitations
- safe systems of work: these ensure that work activities are undertaken safely - instruction: individuals must receive clear instructions, and receive supervision and expert support where necessary, relating to:
- the work activities required
- the operation of any equipment
- and – appropriate safe systems of work
- supervision: supporting staff with clearly defined lines of communication and
- personal protective equipment (PPE): providing individuals with appropriate personal protective equipment that meets appropriate specifications
What are some of the individual responsibilities under the safe persons section of Surveying Safely, 2018?
performance: being competent to perform their work safely (including understanding the limits of their competence (skills, knowledge and experience))
control: being able and prepared to work within accepted or designated systems of work
adaptability: being able to recognise and adapt to changing circumstances at all times
vigilance: remaining vigilant, at all times, for their own safety and that of colleagues and others
awareness: being able to recognise their own abilities and limitations and
teamwork: being an effective member of a team.
What stages might a dynamic risk assessment in Surveying Safely 2018 include?
- Is the activity still safe to continue?
- Is the working environment still safe for the activity to continue?
- Are all those working still within their limit of competence (skills, knowledge and experience)? If not, they should assume the authority to remove themselves and their colleagues from danger.
- Are there appropriate control measures in place?
- Can everyone still get to a place of safety in an emergency?
What are some standard titles for a simple risk assessment table as per Surveying Safely, 2018?
- What are the hazards?
- Who might be harmed and how?
- What are you already doing?
- Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? - Action by whom?
- Action by when?
- Done
What does surveying safely recommend as starting points for mitigating asbestos risk?
1) an asbestos survey to identify and manage ACMs during the normal occupation and use of the premises
2) an asbestos survey prior to commencing work where the premises, or part of the premises, need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition
3) having carried out an asbestos survey, the occupier and owner then need a management plan, which should include training for key staff either with asbestos-awareness training, or if disturbance to the fabric is required, appropriate training on how to carry this out safely should be provided
What does surveying safely suggest members should do before going to site?
- Carry put a pre-assessment of the hazards and risks that are likely to be encountered on site.
- The pre assessment should include the requirement for appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
What matters does surveying safely suggest to consider as part of a pre-assessment checklist?
- Travelling to and from site
- Lone working (If I did not come back from the property who would know I was missing and how would they be able to find me).
- Condition of the property
- Occupation
- Activity
- Site rules
- Roofs
- High structures
- Dangerous substances
- PPE required
What does surveying safely suggest as matters which may need to be considered upon immediate arrival to the site?
- Review original risk assessment of hazards
- If RICS members feel uncomfortable or are not competent to manage the risks at any time during their visit, they should stop all activities immediately and obtain the assistance of a competent person.
- Structural stability
- Timber glass and sharp objects
- Roofs
- Danger from live and unsecured services
- Slip and trip hazards
- Falls from height
- Impact of other people/animals on the property
- Contamination
What does surveying safely, 2018 suggest needs to be considered and assessed in order to evaluation the risk of fire and potential consequences to both people and property?
- The construction of the building/type of property
- Any passive fire protection measures
- The use of the property
- The occupants
- The fire loading (what are the combustible materials likely to be within the property)
- The active fire protection systems
- The provision for emergency escape
- Access to emergency responders
- Any risk of fire/smoke spread from adjacent properties.
What does surveying safely 2018 say should be included in a fire safety management system?
- A system to ensure all the appropriate fire-related plant and equipment is regularly serviced, maintained and tested.
- An effective emergency evacuation plan
- Where necessary, ensure there is adequate information readily available to emergency services in relation to any special risks or hazards they should know about when fighting any fire or the consequences thereof
- Effective training of any people responsible for the safety of occupants, such as fire marshals.