Survey Research Unit 6 Flashcards
Survey research is one method in what type of research?
Correlational research
Survey research are used to describe what?
People’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, opinions, attitudes, and preferences.
Surveys have several characteristics
- Involves sampling
- Involve self-reporting of behaviors, attitudes, opinions, feelings and preferences
- All respondents answer the same set of predetermined questions to allow for comparison
What does sampling involve?
- Selecting a sample from the population BUT first, he must develop sampling frame (specific list of individuals in the population)
2 basic approaches to sampling
- Probability sampling - probability of each element being included in the sample can be computed
- Non-probability sampling - there is no guarantee that an element has a chance of being included in the sample
4 types of probability sampling
- Simple random - every element has an equal chance of being included (group taken from population everyone has equal chance)
- Systematic sampling - (taking every 5th person from a list) probability but not a random sample
- Random sampling - every person as equal chance of being selected
- Cluster sampling - more efficient sampling method when population is difficult to obtain. Group selected by using clusters or groupings from a larger population.
What is multistage sampling
sampling done in a hierarchical manner
1 type of non-probability sampling
Convenience sampling - bias sampling
Survey administration is comprised in 4 common medthods
- Written (mail questionnaires)
- Face to face (personal interviews)
- Telephone
- Computerized (internet)
Advantages and disadvantages of MAIL
A: low cost, no interviewer bias, best for personal topics
DA: little control over order of questions answered, response bias
Advantages and disadvantages of FACE TO FACE
A: Interviewer can motivate interviewees, clarify questions, monitor order of questions answered, higher response or return rate
DA: Interviewer bias, much more expansive than mail or telephone surverys
Advantages and disadvantages of TELEPHONE
A: Easier access to respondents, quick completion, low cost, tighter supervision of interviewers
DA: Possible selection bias, short straightforward surveys, option to screen calls, impossible to use visual aids
Advantages and disadvantages of INTERNET
A: Efficient, low cost and speedy, potential to reach a lot of respondents
DA: Response bias, selection bias, can’t control how the survey is completed
6 steps to developing questionnaires
- decide what information is required
- decide what type of questionnaires will be used
- draft and then revise
- pre-test the questionnaire
- edit the questionnaire
- specify the procedures for its use
2 types of survey questions
- Open ended
2. Closed ended
Advantages and disadvantages to OPEN ENDED
A: More complete answers, more likely to discover something unexpected by researcher, better for small scale studies
DA: More difficult to record and score responses, requires more effort from respondents, difficult for less articulate respondents to answer
Advantages and disadvantages for CLOSED ENDED
A: Easier to code and analyze, requires less effort from respondents - no need to articulate answers, better for large scale studies
DA: Reduces expressiveness and spontaneity, respondents may have to choose a less than-preferred response because there’s no alternative answers, more difficult to discover errors in coding or misinterpretation of questions
What are characteristics of questionnaires
- should be written in a language familiar to respondents
- clear and specific, define the terms and context clearly
- avoid any leading, loaded, or double-barrelled questions
- be as concise as possible
- all conditional information must be presented prior to the key idea
Ethical issues in a questionnaire
- Anonymity (anonymous)
- Confidentiality (for when information is not anonymous, must maintain confidentiality)
- Informed consent (must be told that their participation is voluntary)
Distinguish between population, sample frame, sample, and element
Population - all individuals of interest to researcher
Sample - a group of people from population
Sample frame - before choosing a sample, must create a sample frame: specific list of people in the population
Element - each individual that falls in that sample frame
What is acquiescence?
Tendency to agree with a statement regardless of its content
What are 2 limitations to survey research
- low return rates
2. social desirability
What is a double-barrel question?
When someone agrees with one part of the question, but not the other
Make alternatives clear
- mutually exclusive - one rules out the other
2. exhaustive -
Likert scales
question that asks for a rating of extent of agreement (agree or disagree on a scale of 1 to 10)
Branching items
a set of questions that enable the respondent to move through a survey in different ways, depending upon the responses
Stratified random sample
Stratified random sampling essentially treats the population as two or more separate subpopulations and creates a separate random sample of each