Surveillance Flashcards
What is Primary Radar Surveillance?
A radar that does a sweep of an area and reports anything it bounces off of. Weather, birds, trucks on the highway, airplanes, etc
What is Secondary Radar Surveillance?
Same as the Primary Radar Surveillance but can recieve transponder mode c info to report your position and altitude
Also alerts the controller if two AC might collide
What is a transponder?
What does the little light on the transponder do?
Just tells us every time the radar sweeps by and the transponder responds
What is SBY mode on your transponder?
Warm up time
What is the difference between On mode and ALT mode on your transponder?
Putting it to ON is putting it in Mode A, which sends only your position in reply to the radar inquiry.
Putting it on ALT (Altitude) is putting it in Mode C, which will give you position and altitude back to the controller
If a controller tells you, “Confirm Mode C” what does that mean?
You forgot to switch it from SBY or ON to ALT.
What is a mode S Transponder?
A transponder linked to a specific AC. Gives AC call sign and type as well as everything a Mode C does
What are the default Transponder Codes if you haven’t been given a specific one?
IFR: 1000 (below 18000ASL)
IFR: 2000 (above 18000ASL)
VFR: 1200 (Below 12500ASL)
VFR: 1400 (Above 12500ASL)
Transponder Emergency Codes
7500: Hijack
7500 followed by 7700 indicates situation is dire and you are requesting interference
7600: Comm failure
**7700: **Emergency
When you hear from the controller “Radar service terminated” when should you change your squawk code?
You shouldn’t change it untless the controller specifically tells you to and tells you what to change it to.
What is ADS-B
Automatic Dependent Surveillence Broadcast. The newest surveillance system.
What is ADS-B’s accuracy depenant on?
the on board WAAS-GNSS sensor
What does ADS-B allow pilots to see?
Other aircraft positions
Benefits of ADS-B
An aircraft with ADS-B capabilities determins its position using ___
What is UAT?
A type of ADS-B. Old. Cheaper. Used by smaller AC that fly below 18000ASL
Transceiver 978 Mhz
What is 1090 ES?
An ADS-B system. More expensive than UAT. Madatroy if flying above 18000ASL
What is ADS-B In and Out?
In: Can recieve other AC positions being broadcast
Out: Broadcasts its own positions to other AC and grounds stations that have ADS-B In
What is FIS-B and TIS-B?
What equipment is on board for ADS-B?