Surgical explains Flashcards
what is it?
when is it done?
to take a look at your cervix - cervical cancer
your cervix is the opening of your womb from your vagina
if cervical cancer screening finds changes to your cells
smooth tube shaped tool - speculum is gently placed into your vagina to open it
a microscope is then used to look into your vagina to open is
microscope stays outside your body
small sample of cell may be taken from your cervix for testing
what HPV causes cervical cancer?
16 and 18
what hpv causes vaginal cancer
HPV types 6 and 11
charity if worried about cervical cancer?
Eve appeal
macmillan cancer support
how long after? colposcopy
15-20 mins
large loop excision of the transformation zone
often done at same time as your colposcopy
in jection of LA
to numb cervix - so you dont feel any pain
heated loop of wire is then used to remove the tissue
you may need to avoid sex for 4 weeks
when to contact gp or 111?
after a colposcopy?
heavy bleeding from vagina
unpleasant smelly discharge from vagina
stomach pain that won’t get better or keeps coming back
speculum exam
cusco vaginal speculum - metal one
sims vaginal speculum
what is a speculum?
“I will be passing a speculum, which is a plastic/metal instrument, through the vagina to visualise the neck of the womb.”
how to position for speculum?
laid on back
legs bent at the hip with feet towards your buttock
flop knees apart
when is a sims speculum used?
in assessing prolapse
Ask the woman to cough whilst looking for uterine descent and cystocoele
Repeat whilst holding back the anterior wall, looking for rectocoele/enterocoele
contraceptive implant
small flexible tube that is inserted into upper arm
releases progesterone in systemic cicruclation
what is a hysterectomy?
removal of the uterus
total - removes uterus and cervix
sub total - removes body of uterus leaving cervix behind
total and bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries
what is a radical hysterectomy?
removes uterus and cervix
vaginal cuff
procedure of hysterectomy?
abdominal - incision in abdomen
vaginal- superior part of vagina is the insiciosn site
laproscopic - small incisions in abdomen using laproscopes
Abdominal Hysterectomy
low transverse incision, or through a midline incision
indications for hysterectomy?
heavy menstrual bleed
pelvic pain
uterine prolapse
gynae malignancy
what is amniocentesis?
procedure to sample small amount of amniotic fluid
15 weeks
local anaesthetic
small amount of amniotic fluid taken and fetal cells sent for karyotyping
risk of amniocentesis?
0.5% risk of miscarriage
false reassurance
risk of infection
invasive prenatal diagnostic proceudre
11- can be upto 14 weeks and 6 days
what does a CVS involve?
needle passed through abdomen and into placenta
placental tissue aspirated
refer yo prenatal
diagnosis (PND) counselling
what is an hysteroscopy
examines inside uterus - womb
hysterscope - narrow telescope with a light and camera at the end which can take images
fluid is gently pumped inside to make it easier for dr to see
these then allow the dr or nurse to see inside your womb
please take some pain relief before - an hour or teo before
through your vagina and cervix
symptoms of vulval cancer?
open sore / growth
persistent itch
lump or swelling
burning pain when urinating
what is Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia?
skin condition but not cancer but can turn into cancer
tests for vulval cancer
vulvoscopy / colposcopy
vulval biopsy
blood tests
valval cancer HPV
HPV 6, 11
lichen sclerosus
itchy white patches on genitals or other parts of body
use emollient soap substitute
gently dab genitals dry
use barrier cream
wear cotton or silk underwear
use vgainal lubricant
treatment for lichen sclerosus
steroid cream can relieve inflammation