Surgery - Urology Flashcards
What is the best form of imaging for kidney stones?
Recall the 4 main types of kidney stone in order of highest to lowest radiointensity
Calcium phosphate
Calcium oxalate
Triple (struvite) stones
Uric acid (radiolucent)
Which type of kidney stone is associated with urease bacteria?
Triple (struvate) stones
Which type of kidney stone is associated with hypercalciuria?
Calcium oxalate
How should kidney stone pain be managed?
PR/IM diclofenac
Recall one contra-indication to diclofenac
CVS disease
How should kidney stones be managed depending on size?
Renal stones
Watchful waiting if < 5mm +/- tamsulosin (up to 1cm)
5-10mm shockwave lithotripsy
10-20 mm shockwave lithotripsy OR ureteroscopy
<2cm and pregnant: uteroscopy
> 20 mm percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Uretic stones
< 10mm shockwave lithotripsy +/- alpha blockers
10-20 mm ureteroscopy
If hydronephrosis/infection: percutaneous nephrostomy and antibiotics
Recall 2 options for medically managing BPH and some side effects of each
- alpha-1 antagonists (tamsulosin): postural hypotension, dry mouth
- 5 alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride): ED, reduced libido, gynaecomastia, ejaculation problems
What is the main way in which BPH can be surgically managed?
TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)
What is the main complication of TURP to be aware of?
TURP syndrome
Hyponatraemia, fluid overload and glycine toxicity caused by over-irrigation
When can PSA levels not be done?
- 6 weeks of a prostate biopsy
- 1 week of DRE
- 4w following a proven UTI/prostatitis
- 48 hours of vigorous exercise and/or ejaculation
When would a multi-parametric MRI be used to investigate possible prostate cancer?
If PSA is inappropriate or if high chance of Ca
What is the gold-standard investigation for prostate cancer?
Multiparametric MRI (this has replaced TRUS-guided biopsy)
Recall 3 options for managing localised prostate cancer (T1/T2)
- Conservative with active monitoring
- Radical prostatectomy
- Radiotherapy (external beam and brachytherapy)
Recall 3 options for managing localised advaced prostate Ca
- Hormonal therapy
- Radical prostatectomy
- Radiotherapy
How should metastatic prostate cancer disease be managed?
Hormonal therapy only
What are the options for hormone therapy in prostate cancer?
Synthetic GnRH agonist + 3w cover of anti-androgen
Recall 2 types of benign epithelial renal tumour
Papillary adenoma
Renal oncocytoma
What sort of tumour is an angiomyolipoma?
Benign mesenchymal renal tumour composed of thick-walled blood vessels, smooth muscle and fat
What is the maximum size for a papillary adenoma?
If more than this = malignant papillary renal cell carcinoma
What type of renal tumour can be seen in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome?
Renal oncocytoma
What type of renal tumour can be seen in tuberous sclerosis?
Which genetic syndrome predisposes to renal cell carcinoma?
Von Hippel Lindau
What are the 3 main subtypes of renal cell carcinoma, and which is most common
Clear cell (70%)
Which tumours are people with Von-Hippel-Lindau predisposed to?
Neuroendocrine pancreatic
Clear cell renal
Which type of renal cell tumour is associated with loss of 3p?
Clear cell renal
Which type of renal tumour is associated with long-term dialysis?
Papillary renal cell carcinoma
What is Wilm’s tumour?
How should high-grade transitional cell carcinomas be managed?
1st: intravesical immunotherapy
2nd: radical cystectomy
How should traumatic urethral injuries be investigated and managed?
Ix: ascending urethrogram
Mx: suprapubic catheter
How should traumatic bladder injuries be investigated and managed?
Ix: Intravenous urogram or cystogram
Mx: laparotomy if intraperitoneal, conservative if extraperitoneal
What proportion of testicular tumours are germ cell tumours?
What are the subtypes of germ cell testicular tumours?
Seminomas (50%)
Non-seminoma (embryonal, yolk sac, teratoma an choriocarcinoma)
What is the biggest risk factor for testicular seminoma?
What are the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer?
Painless lump +/- hydrocele, gynaecomastia
How should testicular cancer be investigated?
1st = USS
2nd = AFP, hCG, LDH
3rd = CT TAP
NO biopsy
How can testicular cancer be managed?
Orchidectomy +/- chemotherapy +/- radiotherapy
Is the cremasteric reflex pos or neg in testicular torsion?
What is the cremasteric reflex?
Stroking of the skin of the inner thigh causes the cremaster muscle to contract and pull up the ipsilateral testicle toward the inguinal canal
What is Prehn’s test?
Elevating scrotum and assessing for difference of pain - positive if pain is relieved
Is Prehn’s test pos or neg in testicular torsion?
What condition is Prehn’s test positive in?
How should testicular torsion be managed?
Surgical exploration + BL orchidopexy
What is an orchidopexy
Surgical procedure that moves undescended testicle into the scrotum, permanently fixing it there
What are the main RFs for ED?
Drugs (beta-blockers, SSRI)
CVD RFs (metabolic syndrome, hyperlipidaemia etc)
How should ED be investigated?
QRisk score Free testosterone (9-11am) --> if low, FSH, LH, prolactin --> if abnormal, refer to endo
How can ED be managed?
1st: PDE4 inhibitors (sildenafil)
2nd line: vacuum devices
How should pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria/UTI be managed?
MC&S –> Abx
7 days nitrofurantoin 100mg BD (AVOID AT TERM )
How should UTIs in men be managed?
7 days trimethoprim/nitrufurantoin
When should men be referred to urology for UTI?
If 2 or more uncomplicated UTIs
How should catheterised patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria be managed?
No treatment needed
How should catheterised patients with symptomatic UTI be managed?
7 days trimethoprim/nitrofurantoin and change catheter
What is the causative organism in 95% of cases of prostatitis?
E coli
What are the signs and symptoms of prostatitis?
Referred pain to perineum, penis, rectum or back
Obstructive voiding symptoms
Fever and rigors may be present
How should prostatitis be investigated?
DRE –> tender, boggy prostate gland
How should prostatitis be managed?
Quinolone 14/7
STI screening
How should urinary incontinence be investigated?
1st: speculum - exclude prolapse
2nd: Urine dip and MC&S (rule out DM and UTI)
3rd: Bladder diaries (minimum 3 days) - if inconclusive –>
4th: Urodynamic testing (if mixed incontinence)
What is measured by urodynamic testing?
3 pressures measured from inside rectum and urethra:
- bladder
- detrusor
How should stress incontinence be managed?
1st line: lifestyle advice, WL if BMI>30, pelvic floor exercises
2nd line: duloxetine or surgical treatment
How should pelvic floor exercises be done for stress incontinence?
8 contractions, TDS, 3 months
Recall some options for sugical management of stress incontinence
- Burch colposuspension
- Autologous rectus fascial sling
- Bulking agents
Recall some RFs for stress vs urge incontinence
Stress: age, children, traumatic delivery, pelvic surgery, obesity
Urge: age, obesity, smoking, FHx, DM
What is the normal post-void volume for <65 vs >65ys?
<65 = <50mLs >65 = <100mLs
How should urge incontinence be managed?
1st line: lifestyle advice, bladder training, avoid fizzy drinks, DM control
2nd line: oxybutynin/tolterodine or desmopressin
3rd line: mirabegron (beta-3 agonist)
4th line: surgical
Recall an important side effect of oxybutynin and an alternative option if there is concern
Can give mirabegron instead
How can urge incontinence be managed surgically?
Botox injection, sacral nerve stimulation, urinary diversion
How should overflow incontinence be managed?
Refer to specialist urogynaecologist
1st line = timed voiding
How should hydrocele be managed?
- Watch and wait
- Aspiration for symptomatic relief
- Surgical = Lloyd’s repair/ Jaboulay’s repair
Why does varicocele affect the LHS more than the RHS?
Left testicular vein:
- drains into renal vein at 90 degree angle
- is longer than right
- often lacks a terminal valve to prevent backflow
- can be compressed by renal and bowel pathology
What is the best investigation for varicocele?
Doppler USS
If varicocele has a sudden onset, what must be considered?
Renal cell carcinoma
How should varicocele be managed?
Conservative (scrotal support) or surgical (radiological embolisation or operation to expose and ligate vein)
In a patient with hypercalciuria and recurrent calcium renal stones, what drug can be used as prevention?
Thiazide like diuretics (they decrease urinary calcium)
What should be done before treatment with goserelin for prostate cancer?
Pretreatment with flutamide (anti-androgen) to avoid initial “flare effect” of goserelin
If NSAIDs are contraindicated in a patient with renal colic, what is second line?
IV paracetamol
When is vasectomy considered a valid form of contraception?
Once 2x semen analyses have been done to confirm azoospermia - patients should use contraception during this time
When would you refer under 2ww pathway for non-visible haematuria?
If >60yo and no explanation for non-visible haematuria AND raised WCC/dysuria
What is the management of intermittent testicular torsion?
Emergency bilateral ochidopexy (as there is still a high risk of re-torsion so should be done ASAP)
Which urological condition is a contraindication to circumcision during infancy?
Hypospadias - as the foreskin can be used in repair surgeries
Up to what size tumour is a partial nephrectomy offered?
What can be prescribed to prevent calcium stones?
Potassium citrate
What is the investigation of choice for epididymo-orchitis?
Younger adults: Urethral swab for NAAT
Older adults/low-risk sexual Hx: MSU
When would percutaneous nephrolithotomy be used?
Stones > 20mm
What is the best imaging modality for hydronephrosis?
What is balantis xerotica obliterans?
The equivalent of lichen sclerosis in women, it is a chronic skin condition causing raised, white and sometimes itchy white plaques on the external genitalia
What can BXO increase your risk of?
Squamous cell carcinoma + associated with phimosis
What are the two types of urethral injury?
- Bulbar
- Membranous
What is the most common type of urethral injury and what is the typical MoA?
Bulbar - usually saddle type injury e.g. bicycle
What is the triad of symptoms in bulbar urethral damage?
- Perianal haematoma
- Urinary retention
- Blood at the meatus
What signs and symptoms would be present in membranous urethral damage?
- Penile or perineal oedema or haematoma
- Prostate gland displaced upwards (so often not palpable on DRE)
What is the typical cause of membranous urethral damage?
Pelvic fracture
What would periureteric fat ‘stranding’ suggest?
Recently passed ureteric calculus (in the absence of visible calculus)
What is decompression haematuria?
Haematuria can commonly occur after catheterisation for chronic urinary retention due to the rapid decrease in pressure in the bladder - it does not require any management apart from monitoring
What are some causes of unilateral hydronephrosis?
Pelvic-ureteric obstruction (congenital or acquired)
Aberrant renal vessels
Tumours of renal pelvis
What are some causes of bilateral hydronephrosis?
Aberrant renal vessels
Tumours of renal pelvis
Stenosis of the urethra
Urethral valve
Prostatic enlargement
Extensive bladder tumour
Retro-peritoneal fibrosis
What is the management of hydronephrosis?
- Remove the obstruction and drainage of urine
- Acute upper urinary tract obstruction: nephrostomy tube
- Chronic upper urinary tract obstruction: ureteric stent or a pyeloplasty
What is first line for BPH?
Alpha-1 antagonists (e.g. tamsulosin) for mdoerate-severe symptoms (IPSS > 8)
When are 5-a-reductase inhibitors indicated?
When the patient has a significantly enlarged prostate or considered to be at high risk of progression
What is the IPSS and the different scores?
A tool for classifying the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and assessing the impact of LUTS on quality of life
- Score 20–35: severely symptomatic
- Score 8–19: moderately symptomatic
- Score 0–7: mildly symptomatic
How do 5-a-reductase inhibitors work?
Prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is known to induce BPH. Therefore, they can actually reduce the size of the prostate and slow progression.
How long can it take 5-a-reductase inhibitors to have an effect on prostate size?
6 months
What tumour marker is associated with seminomas?
hCG (20% cases)
What tumour marker is associated with non-seminomas?
AFP and/or hCG are raised in 80-85% cases
How should post-obstructive diuresis be avoided?
Patients producing >200ml/hr urine output should have around 50% of their urine output replaced with intravenous fluids to avoid any worsening AKI.
What is the first line investigation for priaprism?
Cavernosal blood gas sample (differentiates between ischaemic and non-ischaemic, which guides Mx)
What symptoms can result of the goserelin ‘flare’ after initiating treatment?
- Bone pain
- Bladder obstruction
What is the top differential for a scrotal lump that is separate to the testicle but cannot be palpated above it?
Inguinalscrotal hernia
Which urothelial cancer does schistosomiasis increase the risk of?
Squamous cell cancer of the bladder
What test should always be offered for men presenting with ED?
AM testosterone
What stage tumour do patients typically present with symptomatic renal cell carcinoma?
Stage 4
What is the first line investigation for suspected bladder cancer?
Flexible cystoscopy
What are some side effects of prostate radiotherapy?
- Proctitis - can cause bloody diarrhoea
- Increased risk of bladder, colon, and rectal cancer
What are some long term complications of a radical prostatectomy?
- Erectile dysfunction
- Urethral stenosis
- Urinary incontinence
What can cause retrograde ejaculation?
- Alpha blockers
- TURP surgery
What is the Mx of bladder carcinoma in situ (CIS)?
Due to the early, but high-grade nature of such cancer, patients are managed by trans-urethral removal of bladder tumour (TURBT) with adjunctive intravesiclar chemotherapy to reduce the risk of recurrence
What is the next step in management if an irregular, craggy and hard prostate is felt on DRE?
Immediate referral via 2ww pathway (irrespective of a normal PSA)