Surgery's Flashcards
Heavy deposits removed and the root surface is scaled to remove plaque and tartar. This smooths the rough spots on the roots where bacteria collect.
Scaling and Root Planing
Pocket reduction surgery is also known as ____ .
How is it abbreviated?
Gums are lifted from tooth with periodontal micro-surgery to gain access to the tartar deep within the pocket.
Removal of all diseased gum tissue and tartar on the root surface
is sometimes performed, this involves reshaping and smoothing the bone
Suture is placed and typically resorbs on its own 3 to 5 days later
FL- Periodontal Mirco-Surgery/ Osseous Surgery
What procedure is required for treatment?
When gum isn’t supported by bone, the gum starts to recede or pull away (recession)
FGG- Free Gingival Graft
1) Donor tissue is taken from behind maxillary molar (maxillary tuberosity)
2) A wound is created at the recipient area and the donor tissue is placed and glued into place with a tissue glue (no sutures)
3) A putty like bandaide (periodontal dressing) is placed over the graft. This can fall off at any time and does not m ean the graft has fallen out.
What procedure is done in order to expose more of the crown and decay?
Crown Lengthening
1) Tissue is elevated from the tooth and the supporting structure (bone and gums) is repositioned apically
2) The result is increased exposure in order for a General Dentist (DDS) to anchor a new crown, treat a root cavity, or both.
3) Sutures are placed
What Surgery is done to remove an overgrowth of gum tissue that causes a gummy smile
Tissue is reduced and re sculpted to ideal position/shape
When gumisn’tsupportedby bone, the gum starts to recede Or pullaway (recession), but differentiates from the need of a FGG based on the amount of teeth neededto be
The teeth are first prepared with a ultrasonic scaler and prepping agents
An access hole or pinholeis made allowing doctor to createa tunneling system under
The tissue is coronally positioned toideallocation, alloderm (dermiscadaver) isinserted and sutured into place
Sutures stayin for 8 weeks
Alloderm (Pinhole)
Creates an increased net width of alveolar bone, used to increase bone width (if itis thin o r non-existing), or for accelerated orthodontics.
Use 100% mineralized cortical powder with Clindamycin hydration Tissue is elevated from desiredarea
Piezo activation cuts are made into the bone
Perforation is made into bone
Bone graft placed and tissue sutured
Sutures remain and are removed only asthey become loose
PAOO- Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics
The purpose of this procedure is to increase bone diamention In preparation for an implant on the maxilla. A opening (window) is created to access the sinus cavity in order to elevate the sinus.
Bone graft is placed under the elevate sinus into the opening (window). Membrane is used to seal the BG in place where the opening was made.
Sinus augmentation
Depending on the amount of bone existing prior to sinus augmentation, an implant may or may not be placed sameday
In this treatment the jawbone diamention is increased in order to place implants in the mandible. Bone is taken from a donor site on the Ramus and placed on the furutre IMP site.
Ramus graft
Tissue is then closed using non-absorbable sutures
Name two reasons BG material would be placed after an extraction.
1) A socket wall is missing
2) An IMP may be placed
In an EXT tissue is sutured using non-absorbable suture
In an extraction the tissue is elevated from the tooth, the ligaments around tooth are released and tooth removed. Why would Dr. Rubino decide to place bone graft material in the socket?
If the patient is interested in a future implant.
In an extraction the tissue is elevated from the tooth, the ligaments around tooth are released and tooth removed. Why would Dr. Rubino decide to put a collagen gel foam in the socket?
To help facilitate healing.
This is not always required
After a tooth is extracted (EXT) when bone graft material is placed, how long must the patient wait before an implant can be placed?
6 Months
Wait 6 months for osseointegrationA patient is missing their 1st molar #3 and is interested in an implant. Dr. Rubino determines that there is enough bone to accomodate an implant for #3.The patient is ready to be scheduled for Surgery (Sx).
A) True
B) False
A) True
Wait 4 months for osseointegration
A patient is missing their 1st molar #3 and is interested in an implant. Dr. Rubino determines that there is not enough bone to accomodate an implant for #3 alone but it can be done with a little BG.
A) The patient is scheduled for BG #3, wait 6 months and then IMP #3 is placed.
B) The patient is scheduled, BG and IMP #3 placed on the same day.
C) The patient is scheduled for BG #3 and then 4 months later IMP #3 is placed
B) The patient is scheduled, IMP #3 with BG placed on the same day.
Wait 6 months for osseointegration
What type of suture is placed at the end of Implant placement to prevent tissues from moving?
A) Purple
B) Yellow
C) Vycril, non-resorbable
D) A and C
D) A and C
How long after a Stg I IMP placement before Stg II THA can be placed?
A) 4 months if no BG was placed
B) 6 Months if BG was placed.
C) Determined at appointment
D) A and B
D) A and B
The patient is back in office for verifying osseointegration, eather 4 or 6 months. At this time, the THA is placed if still needed.
The only reason why a THA would be placed during a Stg I implant is if Dr. Rubino determined that the patient will not disterb or occlude on the abutment.
A) True
B) False
A) True
If the patient is chewing on abutment or touching it with their tongue there is a strong likelyhood of implant failure.
What is the main action at a Stg II implant appointment?
A) Verify cover screw success and attach Tissue Healing abutment
B) Place cover screw and attach THA
C) Remove cover screw and attach THA
D) Verify cover screw and THA were successfully placed.
C) Remove cover screw and attach THA
The goal of what procedure is to reduce the tooth pocket depths?
B) Osseous surgery
C) Micro-surgery
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
Part of this tx is also removing calculus that is deep in the pockets
What is the reshaping and smoothing of bone called?
Osseous Surgery
This is sometimes done during an FL to eliminate areas where the patient cannot clean