Surgery for Female Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What peritoneal sac do the ovaries sit within?
Ovarian bursa
What anatomical feature is present to prevent loss of oocytes into the peritoneal cavity?
At the entrance near the opening of the ovarian bursa, it has a wide, funnel-shaped infundibulum which is fringed with fimbriae
What is the exit of the oviduct called?
Uterine osteum
What holds the ovary in place? (2) and where are these attached?
The suspensory ligament, which attaches to the last rib, and the proper ligament, which connects to the uterine horn.
What is the blood supply to the ovaries? Where have these branched from?
Via paired ovarian arteries, which branch from the aorta
How do the ovaries drain:
A) Left?
B) Right?
Ovarian veins
A) Into left renal vein
B) Into caudal vena cava
Lymphatic drainage of the ovaries?
To lumbar lymph nodes
What is the mesovarium anatomically?
The cranial portion of the broad ligament and attaches the ovary to the dorsolateral body wall.
A) What does it contain? (2)
B) What is it continuous with?
A) Suspensory ligament and the utero-ovarian vessels
B) Mesometrium
What is the mesometrium anatomically?
The caudal part of the broad ligament, which attaches the uterus to the body wall.
Round ligament:
A) What is it continuous with?
B) Where does it run?
C) What does it pass through? D) With..?
A) Proper ligament
B) In the free edge of the broad ligament
C) Inguinal canal
D) Vaginal tunic
What suspends the uterus from the abdomen?
Broad ligament
How does the cervix lie in dogs?
How does the cervix lie in cats?
A) What is the blood supply to the uterus?
B) Branching from?
A) Paired uterine arteries + Anastomosing ovarian arteries
B) Vaginal arteries
What is the lymphatic drainage of the uterus? (2)
Hypogastric LN
Lumbar LN
Where does the vagina extend from and to?
From cervix to vestibule
What can the vestibular mucosa be described as?
What is present in the mucosa of the vagina?
Longitudinal folds
What is palpable at the vestibulovaginal junction?
mucosal ridge
Where does the urethral tubercle lie within the vagina?
1cm caudal to vestibulovaginal junction on ventral surface
Is the clitoris found dorsally or ventrally?
What is the blood supply to the vagina, urethra, and vestibule is provided by? Arising from?
Vaginal artery branches arising from internal pudendal a.
What is the vulva blood supply?
External pudendal a.
What is the lymphatic drainageof the vagina and vestibule?
Internal iliac
What is the lymphatic drainage of the external genitalia?
Superficial iliac
What are the dog mammary gland pairs?
the cranial and caudal thoracic glands (pairs 1 and 2), the cranial and caudal abdominal glands (pairs 3 and 4) and the inguinal glands (pair 5).
How many pairs of mammaries in cats?
Cats have four pairs, though a rudimentary fifth (inguinal) pair is sometimes present.
What is the thoracic mammary gland blood supply? (3)
Internal thoracic
Lateral thoracic arteries
What are the caudal thoracic mammary glands additionally supplied by?
Branches of the cranial superficial epigastric arteries
What is the supply of the cranial abdominal mammary?
Branches of Cranial superficial epigastric a.
What is the caudal abdominal mammary blood supply?
Caudal superficial epigastric arteries
What happens with the cranial and caudal epigastric arteries?
What are the primary drainage LN for mammaries? (2)
Where do thoracic mammaries drain in the dogs? (2)
Axillary and sometimes the sternal LN
Where do the abdominal mammary drain? (2)
Where do the inguinal mammae drain? (2)
Inguinal LN
Medial iliac LN
Where does the popliteal occasionally drain?
4th + 5th
What is the difference in cat mammae LN drainage of the caudal thoracic and cranial abdominal mammae?
May drain caudally to the inguinal lymph nodes or cranially to the axillary lymph nodes.
With mammary neoplasia what may change with the LN?
Lymphatic drainage
How does thoracic gland mammary neoplasia lymphatics drain?
The thoracic gland is normally drained by the axillary lymph centre, but in mammary neoplasia either the superficial cervical or ventral thoracic lymph centres can be involved
How many ORS are at:
A) Right pedicle?
B) L pedicle?
C) Bilateral?
A) 62%
B) 29%
C) 10%
What are the clinical signs of ORS?
Relating to oestrus
How can hormone bloods diagnose ORS in dogs? (4)
- Serum oestradiol exceeding 15 pg/ml
- Serum progesterone exceeding 2 ng/ml
- A single low luteinizing hormone level
- Anti-müllerian hormone assays have been shown to be diagnostic for ovarian remnant syndrome in some studies and are independent of the ovarian cycle.
How to diagnose ORS in cats? (3)
- Increased plasma oestrogen concentrations are supportive of a diagnosis of ovarian remnants but also seen with adrenocortical problems;
- Progesterone assays are available, but they require prior administration of GnRH;
- Anti-müllerian hormone assays are useful for detecting neutering status in cats and are also used in the diagnosis of ovarian remnant syndrome.
When is the best time to ex lap for ORS?
The tissue may be better visualised during oestrus due to the presence of follicles or corpora lutea.
How many masses that affect the vagina/vestibule/vulva are benign?