Surgery Block Formatives Flashcards
risk factors for RCC?
fam hx
genetic syndromes e.g. von hippel lindau
cadmium exposure
How might renal tumours cause hypertension?
renin secretion from tumour = activation of angiotensin pathway
what does the left gonadal vein drain into and how could a renal tumour disrupt this drainage?
drains into left renal vein, tumour can give rise to venous tumour thrombus that may occlude the vein
What structure may be injured in an ankle fracture of the lateral malleolus?
deltoid ligament
what is the medial clear space?
joint space between the medial side of the talus and medial malleolus
should be less than 5mm
when should you review a presumed stable ankle fracture?
one week later - weight bearing radiograph
which bacterium causes most wound infections post colorectal surgery?
What would be an appropriate first line mx for wound dehiscence?
apply topical negative pressure VAC therapy
Which ABPI is the upper limit for reporting claudication?
What characteristic is found more in crystalloid compared to colloid solutions?
lower incidence of anaphylaxis
Anaesthetic for use in ring block?
lignocaine 1%