Surgery Flashcards
What does the pre op surgery assessment consist of?
-biometry: obtaining ocular measurements- keratometry, axial length and anterior chamber depth with the zeiss IOL master
What are ocular measurements used to do?
They’re used to calculate the required iol power
What is the normal refractive power of the lens?
What power should be selected before surgery?
It depends on what the pre op power and the ideal post op power are and what iols are available
What happens if the px ends up hyperopia after cat surgery?
This is the worst situation and offers no benefit to the px
What happens if the px gets myopia after the cataract surgery?
It benefits near vision especially when there’s no accommodation available. It’s also useful to discuss the far point in relation to the px’s WD.
A small amount of myopia is fine and helps the near vision
What is the dv rx aimed for after cat surgery?
Plano or -0.50
What would happen is there was anisometropia in regards to cat surgery?
More than 3D is intolerable for the px. There’s also asymmetry between the appearance of the eyes. It’s also an issue if a px has a high pre op rx and if they have unilateral surgery and we need to consider when the px will be having a 2nd surgery
Describe monovision in relation to cataracts? Also what can be an issue with them?
You can have a reading rx iol in one eye and emmetropizing iol in the other. It depends on the px’s ability to tolerate monovision
How can monovision be used in cataracts pre surgery to see whether it monovision is the way forward?
By trailing monovision contact lenses
What can be done for astigmatism with cataracts?
It’s minimised. IOL removes lenticular astigmatism.
When does a toric iol be used ?
when the astigmatism is over +1.00
How do multifocal IOLs work?
Multifocal technology give variations between distance and best rx
What are multifocals dependant on?
They depend on near pupil miosis/distance dilation
What is an issue with multifocals?
For quality near vision it can come at a cost for distance vision (haloes, reduced contrast sensitivity)
How are accommodating IOLs used?
Cilliary muscle function is retained through life. It can change shape/position which changes the iol power.
Haptics are also placed posterior lens which allow the movement
Why do people think accommodating/multifocal IOLs are the best?
Because it’s more expensive and so they think it’s better