Surgery Flashcards
sudden increasing tumor in breast
phylloid tumor;; Compared to phyllodes tumors, fibroadenomas tend to be smaller in size, remain the same size or grow slowly, and usually occur in younger (20–30 years) wome
after core needle biopsy, what should you do for phylloid tumour
CT thorax met contrast gezien het risico op metastase
what is the most important behandeling van phylloid tumour
wide local excision if it is benign, simple mastectomy if it is malignent
cystosarcoma phylloodes is
a benign tumor the treatment of which is wide local excision
for a a large phyolodes tumour that is constantly growing in size, the treatment
simple mastectomy
- most common benign tumor in the breast
- hormonal relathship persist during reproductive years and can increae in size during pregnancy or with estrogen therapy and usually regress after menopause
- common tussen 15-35 jaar oud
- management: core biopsy or FU with ultrasound and breast examination
mass on the breast that is mobile
fibroadenoma, not painful, no relation to menses
has relation to menseses
completely disappears with aspiration
repeat after 2 cycls
management BIRADS
management BIRADS 3-5
complication mastectomy
ductal hyperplasia management
wide surgical excision
breast abcess
Breast pain, erythema, and edema
Purulent discharge from the nipple of the affected breast
Fluctuant mass on palpation
Possibly overlying skin necrosis
breast abcess management
incision and drainage
acute mastitis organism
a staph aureus up to 10% of nursing mothers (particularly 2–3 weeks postpartum).tender, firm, swollen, erythematous breast (generally unilateral)
malaise, fever, and chills
Pain during breastfeeding
acute mastitis vs breast abcess
bloody nipple discharge
intraductal papilloma, red discharge
bloody nipple discharge management
< 35 jaar oud dan ultrasound, >35, dan mammografie;; excisional biopsy (ae duct excision) o fthe lesion and involved duct is the treatment of chices
mammary duct ectasia
Unilateral or bilateral nonmilky gray, greenish, or bloody discharge
Nipple inversion
Firm, tender subareolar mass may be presentMammary duct ectasia is the most common cause of greenish nipple discharge.
mammary duct ectasia managemetn
ultrasound, gaat vaak spontaan weg, soms surgincal excision nodig
screening 55 jaar oud breast kancer
core needle biopsy vs exiscional biopsy
B because ultrasound is more safe
D, multiple small non tender around the areol
best imaging modality to visualize the cystic breast masses
most important immunoglobulin in breast milk
most common cause of urinary tract obstruction
bening prostatic hyperplasia
bening prostatic hyperplasia medicatie
core biopsy vr core needle biopsy
how to stae high rade sarcoma
ct thorax NOT bonescan NOT mri abdoman
most commonly develop in extremities and retroperitoneum
first onderzoek bij Nephrolithiasis
CT abdoman zonder contrast , bij zwangeren echo;m CT abdomen and pelvis without contrast and ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis are the preferred diagnostic tests for nephrolithiasis in patients for whom imaging is indicated.
when should you go for bariatric surgery