Surgery Flashcards
Know the basic anatomy of the kidney, and where they are positioned within the abdomen ?
Anatomy of kidney
- 1-13
Position of kidney within the abdomen
- Located within the retroperitoneal space
- cranial pole of right kidney in the caudate lobe of the liver attahed by the hepatorenal ligament.
- The left kidney is more caudal and mobile.
Describe the aetiology and pathology of common renal disease ?
Renal disease
Renal neoplasia
- cat usually lymphoma
- dog usually renal cell carcinoma
- majority are malignant
- 16 months carcinoma
- 9 months sarcoma
- affected via mitotic index, vascular invasion and COX2 expression
Acquired renal cyst
- these cyst are usually epithelial lined
- may be secondary to nephropathy
- alcohol infusion
Perirenal pseudocyst
- unilateral or bilateral fluid accumulation
- modified transudate
- if drained this cyst type will recur
- must surgicall remove cyst
- renal failure could potentially still progress
Describe the indications for nephrectomy ?
The indications for nephrectomy
- Unresponsive pyelonephritis (kidney infection)
- perinephric abscesses or cyst (pernephric space includes ureters, adrenal glands and fat)
- Unilateral renal neoplasia
- severe renal trauma
- uretal conditions that result in hydronephrosis
Know the clinical signs and biochemical changes associated with renal diseases of the kidney ?
Clinical signs of various renal diseases of the kidney.
Renal neoplasia
- pyuria (WBC in urine)
- haematuria
- proteinuria
- palpable mass + weight loss
- polycythemia
- isothenuria (specific gravity = plasma)
Renal calculi
- non specific
- - vomiting, lethargy and anorexia
- radiopaque calculi
- elevated BUN,
- elevated creatine
- increase in urine specific gravity
Know the diagnostic modalties available to investigate renal disease ?
Imaging modalities of the kidney
- dog 2-2.5x adjacent vertebrae
- cat 2-3x adjacent vertebrae
Intravenous pyelogram
- 20-40mins until excretory phase
- detect focal, multifocal and parenchymal disease
- poor for parenchymal disease
- renal pelvis dilation
- pyelonephritis
- ultrasound guided biopsy
- Doppler
- small amount radioactive material swallowed or injected
Describe the surgical technique of nephrectomy / Ureteronephrectomy ?
The surgical technique of nephrectomy.
(Surgical removal of the kidney)
Ureteronephrectomy - removal of kidney + unilateral ureter
- pre op care (mannitol, dopamine)
- surgical prep
- Prior to surgery ensure the remaining kidney is functional via glomerula filtration rate (GFR)
- The risk of leaving the kidney in place must be greater than its removal.
Surgical technique
- midline coliotomy
- grasp peritoneum over the kidney and incise
- elevate and retract medially to locate renal artery
- there can be two renal arteries and both require ligation
- gentle tissue handling
- +/_ remove ipsilateral ureter
left ovarian artery drains into renal vein diseased kidneys have increased renal capsular blood flow
Show an understanding of specific renal diseases and surgical treatment options available
Diseases of the kidney and their potential treatment
Renal neoplasia bilateral - paliative care
renal neoplasia unilateral - nephrectomy
hydronephrosis - nephrectomy / ureteronephrectomy
acquired renal cyst infusion with alcohol
perineal cyst - surgical removal through nephrectomy
renal stones - nphrotomy
Describe the surgical technique of a nephrotomy ?
(nephromtomy is usually carried out to remove calculi lodged in the renal pelvis).
- avoid hydronephrosis (not enough parenchyma to close).
- if bilateral carry out procedure 4-5 weeks apart (bilateral nephropathies may precipiate renal failure)
- may temporarily reduce renal function 25-50% due to occulsion of renal vessels
- mobilise kidney exposing the convex surface - blunt disect through kidney parenchyma
- remove calculi and flush
- assess ureter for patency
CLOSE horizontal mattress sutures
Identify this instrument ?
Balfour retractors
Describe an exploratory laporarotomy and the use of Balfour retractors ?
Exploratory laparotomy - systemic abdominal exploration
- incision xyphiod to pubis (in male dogs make a lateral incision around the prepuce
- be systematic, view every organ in the same order every time
- place balfour retractors to hold abdomen open
- keep moist
- blunt dissect soft tissues
- assess the quantity and quality of abdominal fluid collect fluid for culture if concerned).
Use the mesocolon and mesoduodenum to assess gutters
Three layer closure
- linea alba
- subcutaneous tissue
- skin
(do not include the peritoneum).
Describe preoperative and postoperative management for nephromtomy / nephrectomy ?
Kidney surgery pre and post operative management
Pre operative management
- analgesics
- monitoring - vital signs, fluid balance, wound care
- haemorrhage control
- addressing urinary incontenance
- measure 20-45ml/kg urine production a day = 1-2ml an hour + should be turbid
- blood pressure monitoring 70mmHg
Manitol = increase intrvascular volume + tubular flow rate
Dopamine = increase GFR
Demonstrate knowledge of the mesenteric baskets ?
Mesenteric baskets
Discuss a minimum database required for a particular patient ?
Describe the vasculature of the kidneys ?
Vasculature of the kidneys
Arteries and veins
- renal artery from the aorta
- segmental 3-7 interlobular
- renal artery
- interlobular arteries
- arcuate arteries
Lymphatics via the hilus
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous supply (vagal trunk).
Know the anatomy of the ureters ?
Anatomy of the ureter
- paired fibromuscular tubes
- contained within the retroperitoneal space
- ventral to psoas major and minor muscles
- ureters can be circumcaval
- ventral to the deep circumflex and external iliac arteries
- dorsal to ductus deferens