sml repro Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the bitch ?
Anatomy of the bitch
- dorsal median fold
- external os of cervix
In the bitch why would you direct a speculum dorsally ?
Describe the anatomy of the male dog ?
Anatomy of the male dog
- testes orientated horizontally and the epididymis is located dorsally
- large prostate gland
- os penis
Characterise the oestrous cycle of the bitch ?
Oestrous cycle of the bitch
Mono oestrous, litle seasonal affect 1-3 cycles per year
cycle duration; 7 months
Puberty is obtained by 7-12 months of age
(Fertility tends to decline from four years of age, with seriously lowered fertility beyond the age of eight.
Describe the length and characteristics of pro oestrous and oestrous in the bitch ?
Oestrous cycle of the bitch
Pro oestrous
- usually 5 to nine days (range 2-25)
- swelling of vulva, vulva discharge and becomes attractive to males
- oestrogen increases and declines entering oestrus
- progesterone starts to increase
- usually 6 - 12 days
- bitch stands to be mated
- beginning of oestrus LH peak
- unique as oestrogen declines and progesterone continues to increase
- progesterone levels begin to rise prior to ovulation
- the bitch ovulates primary oocytes (not immediately fertilizable)2-3 days
Describe the length and hormonal changes which occur during dioestrus and anoestrus ?
Dioestrus and Anoestrus in the bitch.
Dioestrus (some may call it metoestrus)
- The period following estrus during which progesterone is the dominant hormone
- pregnant bitch 57 days from D1
- non pregnant bitch 2-3 month
- The period following dioestrus when progesterone levels are low.
- apparent quiescence “resting”
- usually last around four months in duration
Describe the hormonal changes over the oestrous cycle in the non pregnant bitch, including relevant time frames ?
The non pregnant bitch
Describe the hormonal changes over the oestrous cycle in the pregnant bitch, including relevant time frames ?
The oestrous cycle in the pregnant bitch
Describe the role of oestrogen in the oestrous cycle of the bitch ?
The role of oestrogen in the bitch.
Attracting the male and getting the female ready for mating.
- oedema - swelling of the vulva and vaginal mucosal folds
- thickening of the vaginal epithelium
- bleeding from the endometrium
Behind the scenes
- development of endometrial glands and ducts mammary tissue
- increases the number of progesterone receptors within the uterus
Describe the role of progesterone in the oestrous cycle of the bitch ?
The role of progesterone in the bitch
- stimulate further development of endometrial glands
- stimulate secretion of endometrial glands
- suppress contractility of the uterus
- close the cervix
- suppress the leukocyte response in the uterus
Get the bitch mated and pregnant, or thinking she is
Identify six methods Vets can utilise to monitor the oestrous cycle of the bitch ?
What factors could affect the method we use ?
How can we monitor the oestrous cycle of the bitch ?
- Behaviour
- Sexual reflexes
- Vuluar consistency
- Vaginoscopy
- Vaginal cytology
- Hormone assay : progesterone to a lesser extent LH
The intensity of oestrus monitoring will depend on the type of breeding planned.
Fresh semen = long lived lifespan upto one week or more
Fresh chilled semen = long lived one week or more
Frozen semen = lifespan only 24 hrs requires close monitoring.
Describe what you would expect to see in a bitch comming onto heat through behaviour, sexual reflex and vulvar consistency ?
What to see a bitch in oestrus
- more aggression, clingyness
- potentially trying to run away from home
Sexual reflex
- Tickle rub the perineal area between the anus and vulva
- vulva reflex = vulva lifts up
- Tail = tail deflects to the side
- Lordosis = (less useful) sometimes a slight arching of the back is seen
Vulvar consistency
- turgid during pro-oestrous
- sudden drop in turgidity often correlates to the LH surge (layperson)
- becomes doughy in oestrus
Describe what we would observe through Vaginoscopy during pro-oestrus, early to late oestrus and dioestrus ?
- sterile, clear or glass perspex speculums are useful
- light source
- gentle twisting motion, avoiding clitoris and urethra (push against roof)
- no lubricant / sperm toxic
Pro - oestrus
- swollen pink moist vaginal folds
Early oestrous
- folds are large but getting smaller as oedema subsides
- oestrogen dropping
- getting paler and drier
- “shrinking rounded”
Late oestrus
- small angular folds
- pale, dry
- “shrunken angular”
- Folds are small round pink and moist
- “rosette shaped”
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Late pro-oestrous to early oestrus
- folds are still large but starting to shrink
- secondary transverse folds start to show
- becomming progressively drier and pale pink
“shrinking rounded”
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Pro - oestrous
Swollen pink, moist vaginal folds.
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Early oestrous
Folds are still large but getting smaller as oedema subsides
(oestrogen level dropping)
- primary and secondary folds still rounded
- getting paler and drier
“shrinking rounded”
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Mid oestrous
Oedema almost completely subsided
- folds are smaller and become angular
- pale pink to pale
- dry
“shrunken angular”
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Very late Oestrus
Folds are sharply angular although some crest are becomming slightly more rounded due to epithelial sloughing
- pale (pink due to epithelial sloughing)
- cell rich opaque discharge which has a pungent smell.
“shrunken angular”
Late oestrus is the most fertile period dry pale shrunken angular.
On vaginoscopy identify the stage of the oestrous cycle in the bitch ?
Early dioestrus
- discharge is usually foul smelling, brown / white
- bitch may still be attractive to males
Folds are small round and pink, moist
“rosette shaped”
Describe how vaginal cytology can be used to determine the stage of oestrus ?
Collect a swab moistened tip from cranial vagina
stain with Diff-Quik
Measures effect of estrogen on vaginal epithelium (oedema)
- bioassay for the pressence or recent pressence of oestrogen
- numbers of layers increase
- increasing the distance between the most basal layers and superfical layers
- cellular death of most superficial layers
- superficial layers become flaky, dead with a loss of nuclei and indicator of oestrogen
Identify the four cell types you would see with vaginal cytology ?