Surgery 1 Flashcards
A 59yr old underwent partial gastrectomy 3wks ago. He received an extended course of abx. He currently complains of intermittent abdominal cramps n diarrhea. Sxs begin 25-30 minutes after eating n r associated with nausea, weakness, palpitation, lightheadedness and diaphoresis
The most appropriate step in the mx?
Dumping syndrome
Dietary modification ( small, frequent meals, slowly, avoid simple sugars n increase fiber n protein)
- is due to loss of normal action of the pyloric sphincter—> rapid emptying of the hypertonic gastric content
A 27 yr old female presented with severe epigastric pain radiating to the back, nausea, vomiting. She was recently diagnosed with functional biliary sphincter of oddi dysfunction for which she underwent ERCP with sphincterotomy 24hrs ago. The most appropriate next step is?
Serum amylase n lipase.
The most common complication of ERCP is acute pancreatitis
An incidental finding of a well circumscribed liver lesion with a central scar in a 20-50 yr old woman likely represents?
Focal nodular hyperplasia. Rx is rarely required
A 37 yr old male comes with acute onset of intense peri umbilical abdominal pain associated with nausea n vomiting. He was diagnosed with acute bacterial endocarditis 4 days ago n echo showed vegetations on mitral valve and he’s being treated with vancomycin. Mild diffuse abdominal tenderness is present. No signs of obstruction or perforation on abdominal X-ray. The most likely dx is?
Acute mesenteric ischemia- acute, pain out of proportion to physical findings; embolic source
SBO can initially b managed conservatively. But if there r signs of complication, immediate surgical intervention is indicated. What r this signs?
pain characteristic, Fever, hemodynamic instability, guarding, leukocytosis, significant metabolic acidosis
A pt comes with painless jaundice, anorexia, wt loss, a palpable gb. He most likely has?
What happens to the intra and extra hepatic biliary ducts?
Pancreatic head tumor( cancer)
- dilation of the biliary ducts is expected
A 70yr old lady with a known CLL is brought to the ED with acute, sudden onset LUQ pain and syncope. She’s lethargic, pale, in distress due to abdominal pain. BP is 80/50, PR 120, T- 37.3
Diffusely tender abdomen, decreased bowel sounds. Hgb is 8.4
Atraumatic splenic rupture
her hematologic malignancy is a risk factor
Pancreatic cyst mx
- benign ( most cases)
- risk for malignant transformation ( features n mx)
Benign cysts r managed conservatively ( surveillance imaging)
-large size, solid component or calcification, main pancreatic duct involvement, thickened or irregular cyst wall - are associated with increased risk of malignant transformation. ENDOSCOPIC U/S GUIDED BIOPSY SHOULD B DONE. Or SURGICAL RESECTION
A 69 yr old man comes with left lower abdominal pain which was intermittent but has been constant over the past day. Has had nausea, fever. Has hx of chronic constipation. T- 38.6, BP- 120/70, PR- 98. Tender left lower quadrant otherwise normal abdominal examination. Has leukocytosis.
Most appropriate diagnostic test?
Acute diverticulitis
Abdominal CT with contrast
63 yr old man comes with weight loss of 2months. Mucosal pallor, mild hepatomegaly, positive fecal occult blood, IDA, u/s- solitary liver lesion2x3cm
Most likely Dx?
Metastatic liver cancer - the most common cause of liver mass ( undiagnosed colorectal ca is the likely primary in this case)
- primary HCC usually has raised alpha feto protein level
Episodic RUQ pain in the absence of GB (previous cholecystectomy) dilated CBD in the absence of stones , opioids May cause precipitation of pain
Most likely Dx?
Sphincter of oddi dysfunction
Persistent vomiting, epigastric discomfort and tenderness following blunt abdominal trauma, no fever distention or diarrhea is suggestive of? Dx is made by?
Duodenal hematoma
Abdominal CT
A pt with wt loss n fatigue,multiple liver lesions on CT scan suggesting metastasis. Rectal examination reveals normal sphincter tone but a slightly enlarged, non tender prostate
The most likely test to establish the dx is?
Colorectal ca is the most common source of liver metastasis
A 65yr old comes with 2wks of dysuria, turbid foul smelling urine. He has noticed bubbles while urinating. He is being treated for BPH. He was diagnosed with acute diverticulitis 4 wks ago n treated. Urine culture grows Ecoli, klebsiella, proteus. The most likely cause of the pt’s condition is?
Colovesical fistula.
- fecaluria, pneumaturia, UTI with mixed flora
- can b a complication of acute diverticulitis, Chron disease, malignancy
70yr old came with nausea, early satiety, abdominal distention n vomiting 🤮 . He has significant wt loss. But no dysphagia, hematemesis, melena. Epigastrum is tender to palpation. A succussion splash is elicited. K- 2.7, cl- 89, bicarbonate- 32 glucose- 220
GOO secondary to pancreatic adenocarcinoma( common cause of GOO)