General Flashcards
A 42 yr old obese type 2 DM pt on his 3rd pod after Roux-en-Y surgery comes with acute onset epigastric pain, severe n worsening overtime. He also has chills, rigors, SOB
T 38.5, epigastric tenderness n distention, leukocytosis
Best next step( to make the dx)
Most likely Dx?
Abdominal CT scan with oral contrast
Dx- anastomotic leak
- endoscopy is contraindicated in a suspected anastomotic leak
RUQ pain, nausea, vomiting , crepitus in the abdominal wall adjacent to the gall bladder in a pt with DM. Most likely Dx?
Diagnostic tests?
Emphysematous gall bladder
Dx- abdominal X-ray showing air fluid levels in the GB
- abdominal U/S
- CT when others r not clear
The commonest complication of pud
A 60 yr old pt presented with anemia, painless gi bleeding, murmur of AS. The most likely dx is?
Angiodysplasia (AV malformation of the GIT)
Scleroderma: manometer shows, including sphincter tone
Esophageal dysmotylity
Decreased LES pressure
Cause of diarrhea in zollinger Ellison syndrome
Inactivation of pancreatic enzymes by increased acid production
Failure to relax of the LES
Esophageal perforation Dx?
Water soluble contrast esophagogram
Zenker diverticulum is?
Best dxed with?
Cause is?
Outpocketing of the posterior pharyngeal constrictor mm
Dx- barium studies
Cause- upper esophageal dysfunction and esophageal dysmotility
Dysphagia for both at onset, diagnostic investigation, exceptions
Motility disorders
barium swallow followed by Manometery. In cases of pseudoachalesia, do endoscopy
GERD initial Rx, exceptions( endoscopy needed), 4reasons
Age>50, >5yr sxs, alarm sxs, cancer risk factors
Mallory Weiss tear: the bleeding is from
Ruptured submucosal arteries of distal esophagus n proximal stomach
Dysphagia first to solids then liquid, diagnostic tests, exceptions
Mechanical obstruction
Exceptions: caustic injury, surgery for ca, complex stricture… do barium swallow first followed by possible endoscopy
Sudden chest pain, normal ECG , ^contraction with normal tone of LES
Diffuse esophageal spasm
Manometery shows the above pattern (see question). Esophagogram shows corkscrew pattern.
CCBs r first line
Acute appendicitis: peri umbilical Vs RLQ pain
Peri umbilical- referred, visceral in nature
RLQ- parietal peritonium involvement, somatic in nature