Surface Currents Flashcards
Types of ocean circulation
Surface ocean:
- currents driven by winds
- water above pycnocline, upper 1000 meters
Deep ocean:
- currents driven by density differences (from changes in T & s)
- water at or below pycnocline
Coriolis force
- to the right in norhtern hemisphere
- to the left in southern hemisphere
Understanding wind-driven gyres
- gyre = a large system of circular ocean currents
- driven by global winds (westerlies & trade winds) + earth’s rotation
Voyage of the Fram (1893 - 1896)
Led by Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen, intending to reach North Pole
Ekman Explained Nansen’s Observations
Showed mathematically why:
- ocean velocity spirals with depth
- surface current & icebergs move 45 degrees to the right of the wind
- net surface transport is 90 degrees to the right of the wind
Global scale of westerlies and trade winds
What direction is ocean transport in response to those winds? southeast
Ekman transport
- convergence, pile up water in gyre, creating a bulge in the sea surface
- water wants to flow “downhill”, but it’s deflected by Coriolis
- Coriolis deflects the downhill flow so water flows perpendicular to the slope (pressure gradient)
- causes accumulation of plastic debris in the ocean
geostrophic flow
balance between pressure gradient force and coriolis force
Ocean gyre ciruclarion
- driven by winds
- deflected by coriolis
- occurs in all major ocean basins
Western intensification of currents in a gyre
at high lats:
- coriolis is stronger
- turns flow towards the equator sooner, leading to currents on the eastern side of the gyre that are spread out and weak
at low lats:
- coriolis force is weaker
- water doesn’t turn rowards the poles until it hits the continent, leading to a very strong current on the western side of the gyre
speed of current proportional to slope of hill
Boundary currents
Western boundary currents
- in both northern and southern hemisphere
- warm water + flow toward the poles = poleward heat-transport mechanism
global sea surface temp
temp of current reflects region of origin
Effects of currents on regional climate
Western coundary curretns
- warm currents from equator -> warm, humid air -> humid climate on land
Eastern boundary currents:
- cold currents from poles -> cool, dry air -> dry climate on land
Case study: north atlantic gyre
Gulf stream eddies
Since the gulf stream is a strong, fast current, it creates lots of eddies
two types of eddies:
- warm core eddies to the north of the gulf stream
- cold core eddies to the south of the gulf stream
Eddies in the ocean
Strong/fast western boundary currents, like the gulf stream, generate _____
Case study: north atlantic gyre
eastern boundary current: the canary current
- wide and slow moving current
- bring cold water south
- creates dry clear weather = good vacationing all year long
Take home messages
- ocean gyres have circular circulation patterns due to a combined effect of wind forcing and coriolis effect
- currents circulate roughly in same directon as winds, but are not simply going downward
What happens when the wind blows near a coast?
Upwelling and downwelling
- along-shore wind can either
- push surface water awa from the coast, which upwells deeper water from below
- push water towards the coast, downwelling
- brings nutrients to the surface where they can be consumed by phytoplankton, which feed the entire food web
- regions of upwelling tend to have productive fisheries
Biological productivity enhances in upwelling regions
Upwelling of nutrient rich water (nitrate, phosphate) into euphotic (light available) zone where phytoplankton photosynthesis can occur
Vertical velocities
Small but mighty
Horizontal velocities are much bigger
Vertical startification»_space; horizontal statification
So a small vertical velocuty can have a big imoact on transport & structure of ocean preoperties (temp, nutrients, etc)
Measuring ocean currents
- Incidental drifters: debris tracked following earthquake
- drift current meter afloat in ocean (gps, radio reciever) for surface currents
- a propellor-type flow meter, see how fast water spins based on flow
- ADCP = acoustic doppler current profilers (Doppler flow meter) - sound signals, accoustic beams bounce off particles in water, stretched = lower frequency
- -ARGO floats: profile from surface to deep ocean, sink or rise, collect temp/salinity. Park at some depth and drift for 9 days, get avg ocean current in deep layer
- Indirect: inferring surface velocities from sea surface height