Ocean Atmosphere Interactions Flashcards
Ocenan + atmosphere
- Intimately connected through:
-exhcange of water
-gas exchange
-energy transfer - This interaction:
-controls sea surface temp
-moderates earth’s weather and climate
-creates waves and currents
Composition of the atmosphere
Nitrogen (78.1%), oxygen (20.9%), CO2, Argon, O3
Greenhouse effect
- the Earth’s heat blanket
- Incoming sunlight is converted from visible light to radiated heat, which is in the longwave spectrum
- greenhouse gases work as a heat trap for the outgoing infrared (IR) radiation
- some of that heat is re-radiated as infrared radiation from the Earth is absorbed by the greenhouse gases ____
Ozone layer
- upper atmosphere works as a filter for incoming ultraviolet radiation
Vertical structure of the atmosphere
weather we experience is in the troposphere and tropopause
Atmospheric circulation - what are the main ingredients that affect atmospheric circulation?
- energy from the sun (the engine)
-global distrubution of solar heating is uneven due to: seasonal variations, angle of sun over horizon, transparency of atmosphere, local reflectivity - Earth’s rotation (the modifier)
Solar energy distribution
- solar heating is uneven in a spherical planet
- diffuse radiation at high latitudes
- Concentrated radiation at low lats
- seasons are caused by tilt of the earth’s axis by 23.5 degrees, heating is uneven seasonally
- [pic]
Why are the polar regions cold?
- solar insolation/area is lower at poles (energy spread out over larger area)
- more attenuation through atmosphere
- higher albedo in polar regions: more reflected energy
percent of solar radiation reflected back to space
reflectviity of earth’s surface
contributes to keeping the earth cool
average for earth = 30%, ice sheets = 85%, oceans = 7%
Why does abedo vary with latitude?
Abedo is a function of:
* angle of incidence (oblique angle more reflected)
* surface type (ice, snow, water, soil, clouds, etc)
Positive feedback: sea ice-abedo positive feedback
positive feedback: increases the intial change
negative feedback: reduces or counteracts the initial change
Many important climate feedbacks between ocean and atmosphere
Heat budget as a function of latitude
Variations in heat recieved vs re-radiated at different latitudes
* the heat engine of atmospheric circulation
* this imbalance is compensated by ______
Uneven heating leads to ..?
vertical and horizontal air movement
net transport of heat from warm to cool regions
Evaporation/precipitation also play a role in transporting (redistributing) heat
Where water vapor is forming: absorption of latent heat
where water vapor condenses: release of latent heat
Vertical air moevment
- air expands when heated, becomes less dense, and rises
- it keeps rising until it reaches the same density –> level of neutral buoyancy
- when the air cools it contracts and sinks again
Horizontal air movement
air flows from high to low pressure
uneven solar heating –> areas of high & low pressure (density)
–> a force (the pressure gradient force) that drives the air from high to low pressure
(air does not always go in the direction of this force)
Global air circulation
On a fictional, non-spinning Eath: a simple cell on each hemisphere, drivem by the pole-to-equator pressure gradient force
But on a rotating planet…
The Coriolis “force”
- Critical to atmospheric and ocean cirulation
- due to the rotation of Earth on its axis
- deflects moving air or water from its initial course
(to the rifht in the NH, left in the SH) - deflection increases with latitude (no coriolis at equator, strong at the poles)
- acts over long timescale (10+ hrs) and long distances (1+ km)
Movement on a rotating disk
Coriolis force effects
- only changes the direction by deflecting to left/right, but does not change speed
- only has an impact on motions that are slow and travel over long distances
- important for ocean currents
common misconceptions about coriolis force
- acts equally on motions to the north/south or east/west - wrong, deflects same amount in any direction
- not a real force, just an artifcat of looking at motion from a rotating reference frame
Why do hurricanes spin CCW in NH but CW in SH?
- low pressure system surrounded by higher pressure
Atmispheric circulation on rotating earth
coriolis deflection on rotating Earth produces three circulation cells in each hemisphere
Note: coriolis does not cause the wild, it impacts the direction
Surface wind pattenrs
- the bottom part of the three atmospheric ciruclation cells is what produces the global wind pattern
Easterlies (trade winds and polar easterlies) go from east to west
westerlies: go from west to east
Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
- warm air rises at the equator where the two hadley cells meet, causing low pressure in the tropics and a zone of ______
Cloud formation
- a cloud is a parcel of air that contains condensed water
- the amount of water that air can hold depends on the mp
- as warm air rises it cools and water condenses to form clouds
- ____
Wind belts, pressure systems, and weather