supreme court and civil rights Flashcards
article 3
supreme court is outlined
vague gives little in way of explicit power
judical power is vested in supreme court
congress can establish courts
justices have life tenure
supreme court is an appellate court
article 3 section 2 outlines the cases the court can hear -limits power to hearing cases
interpretation of the consititution
only court can interpret
judical review
the ability the supreme court has to declare acts of congress and acts or actions by the president unconstitutional therefore null and void.
appelate court
a court of appeals.
dealing with cases where one of the parties in the case is appealing against the decision of the lower court
origional jurisdiction
the power of the supreme court to hear a case first before any other court. rare
constitutional grantees
life tenure
a salary shall not be diminished during thier time in office a justice earns over 200k
justices are appointed not elected
supreme court has power outlined in constituion
judical appointment process is rigeruous includes imput from judicial experts such as american bar association
courts power of judicial review is widley accepted and it is rare that the ruling is ignored by federal or state gov
appointment process of scotus
vacancy through death usually eg ruth bader ginsburg
search for nomination
aba rating
senate judicary commitee hearings and vote
full senate vote
weaknesses of process
process become too political
presidents have politicised the nomination look for candidate with their ideaology
hearings have become more for show than anything else
role of the media udermines the process
strenths of appointment process
lengthy and rigerous process
role of elected officials lends legitimacy to judges
factors that influence presidents choice
gender and ethnic balance
outgoing justices
swing justice
justice that swings both ways
strict and loose constitutionalist
loose constructionalist favours broad interpreatation of constitution other way around for strict
criticisms of judical activism
supreme court is unelected and therefore unaccountable
goes againt theory of separation of powers
can overule stare decisis
there are limited checks on the supreme court to balance this power
undermiens the courts neutrality
criticisms of judicial restraint
defernce by suopre court can lead oto beaches of constitution going unchecked
congress and preisent avoid controversial topics
constituion could become outdated
rights apply to all not just th majoirty tet the eleced braches focus on later
Hadimi v Rumsfeld
hamdan v rumsfeld
Boumediene v bush
guatanimo bay , supreme court ruled to close it
Bucklew v precythe
those sentenced to death were not garunteed a painless death
Fisher v university of Texas
use of affirmative action to support minority rights
Kennedy v Louisiana
put limits on those who could be put to death eg prevented a child rapist being put to death.
Obergefell v Hodges
legalised gay marraige
bush v gore
decided who would be president
comparisons with uk
both countries justices are appointed for life
appointment process in UK ensures independance
both countires justices are expected to have legal backgrounds
lack of constitutional protection in the UK
both countries court have come under attack from th egovenemtn