supramolecular Flashcards
chelate effect
ligands with more donors form more stable complexes than ligands with fewer donors
macrocyclic effect
cyclic ligands have higher binding constants than acyclic analogues
chelate effect reasoning
- entropy: displaces more ligands when added increasing entropy
- kinetic: donor more likely to coordinate/recoordinate when other donor already coordinated, i.e. proximity
- enthalpy: doesn’t need to overcome repulsion of positioning lewis basic donors together
macrocylic effect reasoning
- Entropy: smaller loss in entropy on coordination due to less flexibility
- Enthalpy: less solvation and so less bonds need to be broken to coordinate
acyclic analogue of crown ether
lariat crown ether
crown ether with pendant donor group
- stronger binding
- still labile
the size, shape, position, bonding, electrostatics of the binding site is ideal for the specific guest
hydrophobic effect
- driving force for association of non-polar binding partners.
- The displacement of the water molecules increases entropy
- the increased hydrogen bonds increase enthalpy
E.g. cyclodextrins, cyclophanes
Job Plot / Method of Continuous Variation
[host]+[guest] = constant. The [complex] is then measured while varying the ratio [host]/[host]+[guest] and where it peaks in the Job plot is the host:guest stoichiometry
- The transition between kinetically slow and fast binding. Occurs at some temperature.
- As the temperature is approached the individual peaks merge into a single time averaged peak.
dielectric constant
- bulk polarity of solvent related to the dipole moment of the molecules
- high dielectric constant decreases electrostatic interactions
hydrogen bond acceptor
good electron pair donor e.g. nucleophile, anion
hydrogen bond donor
good electron pair acceptor e.g. OH/NH/FH
thermodynamic template effect
coordination to a template stabilises the complex favouring its formation over other products (i.e. an equilibrium)
kinetic template effect
coordination to the template arranges the components to favours cyclisation (rather than polymerisation)
de-metallation methods
- protonation (e.g. amines)
- oxidation/reduction (increase lability)
- solvation (with strong solvent)
- ligation (with stronger ligand)
optimal spatial fit
- strongest binding occurs when size of cavity and size of ion are complimentary.
- Smaller ions cause the macrocycle to strain.
- Larger ions cannot fit in the cavity and so have inefficient interations.
- Complexes of different stoichiometry may form though
principle of preorganisation
The more highly hosts and guests are organised for binding and low solvation the more stable the resulting complex.
- macrocycle of n phenols.
- Contain a pi bonding aromatic cavity as well as oxygen donor cavity
- Formed by base catalysed condensation of phenol and formaldehyde.
- May adopt cone, partial cone, 1,2 alternate, or 1,3 alternate.
cryptand-like cages synthesised by ion templation e.g. octaazacryptands
hydrogen bonding secondary interactions
- diagonal like hydrogen bond groups repel each other (due to electrostatics) weakening binding e.g. DAD or ADA.
- Adjacent donor acceptor groups stabilise complex and increase binding e.g. AAA or DDD
solvent effects on binding
- if the sovlent interacts strongly with itself, favours binding.
- If solvent has high polarisability then will interact with host/guest inhibiting binding.
e. g H20 is strongly cohesive and low polarisability i.e. hydrophobic effect
- the aggregation of sub-components through intermolecular bonds to form larger structures under thermodynamic control
- reversible, error-correcting
topological/mechanical bond
- a non-covalent bond that physically holds the components together.
- A chemical bond would need to be broken to separate the components.
benefits of metal directed assembly
- strong, stable bonds
- controllable kinetics
- predictable geometry
catenane synthesis
templated ring closing reaction
- cantenane templated by coordinating a metal ion.
- Demetallation forms the catenand ligand
stereoisomers arising due to hindered rotation around a single bond
axial chirality
chirality due to rotation of molecule around an axis (clockwise or anti-clockwise)
no stereocentre
capable of acting as a base or acid
dynamic combinatorial chemistry
- method to generate of new molecules formed by reversible reaction of simple building blocks under thermodynamic control.
- products are determined by their thermodynamic stability.
Rotaxane synthesis
- threading: stopper a psuedo rotaxane
- clipping: ring closing reaction around axle
cryptand pros cons
- higher binding constant (less flexible, less solvation)
- less labile
spherand pros cons
- very high binding constant
- no conformational rearrangement for binding (entropic/enthalpic)
- reduced solvation
- highly selective (cannot flex to fit other guests)
- slow complexation/decomplexation