crystallography Flashcards
absorption correction
- A factor to correct for the reduction in X-ray intensity due to absorption by the crystal, i.e. ratio of intensities entering and leaving.
- Dependent on the atomic composition.
- applied during data reduction
anomolous dispersion
- change in reflection phase due to strong X-ray absorbance.
- Stronger with heavier atoms
- violates Friedel’s Law.
- The difference in intensity for Friedel pairs affected by anomolous dispersion is used to solve absolute configuration and the phase problem.
absorption edge
- X-ray energy that is strongly absorbed by an atom in crystal
- creates sharp increase in absorbance
asymmetric unit
The asymmetric unit of a space group is that part of the crystallographic unit cell which can be used to generate the complete unit cell
Atomic Displacement/thermal displacement Parameters
define the thermal vibrations/deviation of atoms. i.e. parameters of ellipsoid
Body centered unit cell
A unit cell having a lattice point at its center as well as at each corner
Bravais Lattice
three-dimensional array of points with the surroundings of each point being identical
Crystal System
cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, hexagonal, monoclinic, triclinic
point group
set of symmetry operations
data reduction
Conversion of measured intensities over pixels to structure factors
direct method
Derives the relative phases of reflections by assigning the strongest reflections based on the assumption that the structure is composed of atoms with non-negative electron density
when atoms in the unit cell exist in more than one position
Friedel’s Law
The structure factor of reciprocal reflections (h,k,l and -h,-k,-l) have the same intensity but opposite phase
miller indices
A set of 3 integeres (hkl) that identify a lattice plane/relection order from that plane.
- The plane intercepts the unit cell axes at a/h, b/k, c/l.
- Determined from the Bragg equation.
Fourier Analysis
Decomposing a periodic function into it’s component cos and sin functions
phase problem
The problem of determining the phase angle (relative to origin) for each reflection in order to calculate the electron density map. i.e. calculating the phases rather than measuring them introduces approximation