Support, rest and enamel modification Flashcards
What is support
the resistance to vertical forces acting towards the residual teeth and soft tissue
What kind of support are there, explain the type of supports
Tooth support, mainly obtained from rest and rest seats, preferable to mucosal support. Periodontal membrane can cushion vertical occlusal load. Capability of load tolerance also depend on periodontal health. Molar best load tolerance
mucosal support, planned for when tooth support inadequate. Best obtained from edentulous ridges. Can be obtained from denture base
What happens when there is insufficient support
underlying soft tissue damage, eventually increase bone resorption
what is a rest
a small metal projection from main frame of RPD, acts as supporting element
What must a rest be
must be rigid, comfortable, hygienic
What is the point of a rest seat
to allow favourable tooth surface for support, to prevent interference with occlusion, to reduce prominence of rest, provide a more vertical loading on the tooth. Without it tooth will be pushed labially by rest, unnatural prominent bulge, collect food particle, irritate the tongue
what is the function of the rest
To prevent impingement of gingival tissue, prevent food packing, transmit occlusal load along long axis of abutment tooth, maintain components in planned position, maintain occlusal relationship by preventing denture base from sinking, prevent denture base from displacing away from saddle
When is enamel modification used
to create guide plane, create rest seat, create occlusal channel when teeth intercuspate very tightly, modify unfavourable undercuts, modify occlusal plane
Why is the canine a good placement for rest compared to incisors
- root length and form of canine tooth more suitable
- less steep lingual surface of canine compared to incisal teeth
- enamel thicker than incisal teeth
How should rest seat prep look like
from the lingual view: a broad v shape
from the incisal aspect: broadest at the centre
from the proximal view, floor should be towards cingulum than axial wall