Supplement: Dispatch Release / Performance Data/TLR Flashcards
Dispatch Release:
What aircraft is listed on the release?
Dispatch Release:
What cost index will you use for this flight?
Dispatch Release:
What are the aircraft IDLE/PERF Factors?
Dispatch Release:
What is cost index?
Cost index = 0 corresponds to maximum range and cost index = 999 corresponds to minimum time.
Cost index is determined by the company and considers the relationship between time and fuel related cost to
minimize the trip cost.
Dispatch Release:
What is total trip distance?
254 NM
Dispatch Release:
What is the average wind component for this flight?
AVG W/C M037 (37 knot headwind)
Dispatch Release:
Explain NAM 0272.
Equivalent distance considering average wind component
Dispatch Release:
What is the scheduled departure time?
Dispatch Release:
What is the planned TAS?
374 KTS
Dispatch Release:
What is the filed altitude? Is there a step climb?
16000’, no step climb
Dispatch Release:
What is enroute flight time?
49 MIN
Dispatch Release:
What is your planned groundspeed at CYN?
381 KTS
Dispatch Release:
What is the distance between CYN and LEBVE? How long to fly this segment?
º ZD = 17 NM
º ZT = 03 MIN
Dispatch Release:
What is the cumulative distance at LEBVE? How long since takeoff?
º CD = 0078 NM
º CT = 00/15 (HR/MN)
Dispatch Release:
What is the distance remaining at LEBVE? How long until touchdown?
º DR = 0176 NM
º TR = 00/34 (HR/MN)
Dispatch Release:
What is the planned fuel burn from CYN to LEBVE?
ZF = 00314 LBS
Dispatch Release:
What is the minimum required fuel at LEBVE?
º 007978 LBS
º This is based on aircraft landing with company preferred fuel at the destination. If fuel value at waypoint is below this number shown, review reserve and/or alternate fuel.
Dispatch Release:
What is planned fuel flow at LEBVE?
FF/E = 3296/HR (per engine) OR 6,592/HR (both engines)
Dispatch Release:
When is an RVSM check required? Fuel Check?
º Per SOP enroute: RVSM and fuel awareness checks are required hourly.
º In addition to the hourly RVSM check, an altimeter check is required prior to entering RVSM airspace. This
is accomplished at transition altitude.
Performance Data / TLR:
What is the engine type for this aircraft?
Performance Data / TLR:
How do you determine that the attached TLR is valid?
º POAT: Takeoff report is valid when actual OAT >= POAT - 10°C. Example: TLR valid from -04°C to a POAT of 14°C.
º PQNH: Takeoff report is valid when actual QNH is no less than 0.10 below PQNH. Example TLR valid at 29.97 and higher. Actual QNH may be above PQNH, but additional uplift capability may be gained by using an actual QNH that is higher than PQNH.
Performance Data / TLR:
Where do we reference the engine failure takeoff procedure?
º Standard: ACARS Runway Section of the TLR
º Simple Special: Special ENG Fail Takeoff Procedures Section of the TLR
º Complex Special: Company tab on the JEPP FD-PRO application or the A320 ADPH
Performance Data / TLR:
If a turn/heading is denoted in the takeoff data section of the TLR when would you be required to start the turn
if you lost an engine prior to EO acceleration?
Standard procedure turns are commenced at 1,000’ AFE, in IMC/VMC conditions.
Performance Data / TLR:
Do we have to comply with simple-special procedures? Complex-special procedures?
º Simple-special: in IMC, until 3,000’ AFE unless assigned a radar vector at a lower altitude
º Simple-special: in VMC, until 1,000’ AFE
º Complex-special: mandatory in IMC and VMC
Performance Data / TLR:
What is the flap setting for a departure from RWY 31L/KD at the planned takeoff weight?
Flaps 3
Performance Data / TLR:
ACARS is deferred. If you are issued a runway change can the TLR be used to make the runway change?
Yes (assumes a valid TLR)
Performance Data / TLR:
We are issued a runway change and runway 31R is assigned (calm wind). At a weight of 145.0 what data would be inserted into the MCDU PERF page?
º Flaps are set at 3 and flaps 3 is inserted into MCDU PERF page.
º New speeds: 134/137/140
º Flex Temp 63
Performance Data / TLR:
Does performance support a takeoff on runway 13R with a 10kt tailwind?
Performance Data / TLR:
What is the length of runway 19R at IAD?
9,400 ft
Performance Data / TLR:
What is the MRLW for RWY 19R with a temperature of 18°C? Flaps 3/Full?
What is the limiting factor?
º 189.8F/190.6C
º Field/Climb
Performance Data / TLR:
Minimum landing distance is determined by assessed runway conditions. How is this information distributed?
Performance Data / TLR:
What information is included in the FICON NOTAM?
Runway condition code (RCC), contaminant type, depth, and percentage of coverage
Performance Data / TLR:
How is runway condition coverage reported?
Provided in 1/3 runway intervals when the runway is more than 25% contamination level
Performance Data / TLR:
Based on FICON NOTAM DATA how do we determine the impact the conditions will have on our landing performance?
º Reference the runway condition assessment matrix
º Refer to RCAM minimum landing distance in the TLR for planning prior to departure.
º Enter the field condition and expected braking action into the ATSU or use Inflight Performance in the QRH
when enroute.
Performance Data / TLR:
During pre-flight planning we determine that upon arrival at IAD the expected RCC values for runway 01C will be 5/6/6 based on the FICON NOTAM. What is the minimum landing distance required for our planned weight?
Use the lowest value (5/good): 4830
Performance Data / TLR:
What is minimum landing distance?
Landing distance including a 15% safety margin and an air-run from a 50’ threshold crossing height.
Performance Data / TLR:
What landing requirements must be met in order dispatch?
º Must be able to land and stop within 60% of the effective length of the runway to be used.
º An additional 15% is added for a wet runway.
Performance Data / TLR:
It is possible to meet dispatch requirements yet have a minimum landing distance (based on expected braking
action) greater than the landing distance available. Can you depart?
º Dispatch is permitted if:
§ There is reasonable expectation that the braking action will improve to the point that the minimum
landing distance required will be less than the landing distance available at ETA
§ The PIC and dispatcher conduct a briefing and agree what braking action will be required before landing
§ A performance alternate is added to the dispatch release
Performance Data / TLR:
What is the requirement to list an airport as a performance alternate?
Minimum landing distance must be less than the landing distance available
Performance Data / TLR:
Can we reference the RCAM MIN-LDG distance in the TLR to determine landing distance?
No, it is for planning purposes only.
Performance Data / TLR:
How do we determine minimum landing distance once airborne?
º Obtain up to date FICON NOTAM information on ATIS
º With ATSU: Enter field condition, expected braking action, and select thrust reverser option to obtain
minimum required landing distance. Min required distance on LDG data report includes 15% safety margin
and an air run from 50’ above threshold.
º Without ATSU: Use Airbus FlySmart application on IPAD.