Supervising Police Personnel Flashcards
The most important responsibility
making timely and accurate decisions
Only thing worse that making a bad decision
making no decision
The essence of being human
making decision, the exercise of free will
between stimulus and response
the start of a good decision
a stop, forced space for reflection , evaluation, and alternatives
watch your thoughts
lead to attitudes
watch your attitudes
lead to words
watch your words
they lead to actions
watch your actions
they lead to habits
watch your habits
they lead to character
watch your character
it determines your destiny
four intelligences
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
emotional intelligence
ability to express or repress our emotions intelligently to the advantage of self and others
what we stand for and how we stand for it
what we perform and how we perform it
purpose driven leadership
gives meaning, focuses leadership, motivates, is fulfilling
ethical decisions
the most complex and tough decisions made by supervisors
never make a decision that should be delegated, delegate to empower, mentor, and manage your time. delegation is inseparable from leadership
is as important as the actual decision itself. do not force a decision that you can reasonably delay.
is it your decision
make sure it is within your responsibility, otherwise offer an opinion when asked only.
take extra care if
the decisions can cause serious injury, jeopardize important relationships, damage reputation, adversely affect values and vision.
enforce the rules
a desire to not enforce rules to remain popular or avoid negative emotions will ruin the leader
use personal experience
your experience matters more than others
focusing illusion
not seeing the big picture. one fact or choice particularly stands out and cause one to overlook others
wanting verse liking
just because you want something does not mean you will like it once you have it
have a min. threshold, know what is acceptable
strive to squeeze the very best out of every decision, spend so much effort on making a decision they do not appreciate the results of that decision
listen to your heart, the hardest thing to do and the right thing to do are often the same thing
common to all successful people, willpower embodied
apply the nine rules, know your strengths, know the strengths of your team, know your purpose, once a decision is made confidence becomes fortitude
those that will be affected by the decision should participate in the process. but a simple majority does not rule. you are still responsible for the decision
a part of every decision, minimize chance, but do not let it paralyze you
rely on your good sense and instinctive feelings. personal insights are an important tool
balance Chap. 1
successful decision making relies on a balance between and intuition and deliberate decision making
adaptive unconsciousness
a giant computer that rapidly and quietly processes a lot of data that we need to function as human beings
deliberate thinking
sets the stage for accurate rapid cognition and correct first impressions
look ahead, foresight, free yourself from past wrong decisions,
signature strength
a trait we always carry with us and use frequently
nine rules when approaching a decision
never make a decision that should be delegated, never make a decision that you can reasonably delay. is the decision yours to make. extra care on important decisions. enforce the rules. use personal experience. want versus like. satisficng maximizing
seven steps in decision making
heart, discipline, confidence, participation, chance, intuition, future.
pertains to things: deployment, schedules, resources, statistics. is the right to command
pertains to people: empowerment, vision, teamwork. is the capacity to command
leader commands
based on an individually developed capacity to use power, supervisors are based on possession/rank
understanding values serves four critical functions
individual compass. connect communication. purposes. strengths.
compass from values
set of values within a person and the organization that directs action
communication from values
understanding of human values. mutual trust based on appreciation of values and understanding of points of view.
Purposes from values
serve as an end goal
all that we value becomes a part of us. we lead others according to our strengths based value system
a value is
an enduring belief that a specific goal and means of attaining that goal are very important.
value programming periods are (3)
imprinting. modelling. socialization
2 ways to change our values
significant emotional event and major and profound dissatisfaction.
the genesis of all human relationships. can i trust you can you trust me? can i trust the department? does the department trust me? am I being heard? am I hearing you?
a trustworthy Character has three elements
integrity, maturity, win win mindset. determined and defined not by what we want say or think, but rather by what we do.
behaving in a way that is grounded in principles
emotional maturity. an understanding of self and others.
win win
the third alternative based on integrity and maturity and abundance mentality.
three elements of competence
technical competence. knowledge. teamwork.
develop strengths
discover what is unique about a person and capitalize on it. help develop strengths to improve satisfaction, happiness and performance. successful leaders develop strengths and don’t focus on weak areas
the organizational right to command
a body of moral principles and values, how we should behave, they are the same in all aspects of our lives. there are no professional ethics
guiding beliefs
right conduct
intending to act morally and thus subscribing to ethical principles
behaving morally and thus manifesting ethical principles. having integrity means you are whole and at peace. not easy.
three approaches to ethical dilemmas
- neglect 2. compliance based programs 3. values orientated programs
values orientated programs
integrate ethics with department culture,
six pillars of character
- trustworthiness 2.respect 3. responsibility 4. fairness 5. caring 6. civic virtue
two basic laws of supervision
- whatever you allow, you encourage 2. whatever employees will do for you, they will do to you.
being a police supervisor is a public trust
the law and ethics
legal rules are the bottom or minimum they are not ethical guidelines. obeying the law is easy compared to making ethical decision making
self deception and rationalization
can make ethical decisions more difficult
2 approaches to conceiving a vision
top down bottom up
bottom up vision advantage
shared ownership and shared accountability
change is a______________
how does a vision relate to change
acts a guidebook, a way to navigate the different changes that an organization is constantly faced with.
importance of clarity
the highest. followers need to know who we serve? what are our core strengths? what is our core score? what actions can we take today?
a change poses two questions to an organization:
- does it challenge our visions? how does it affect our goals?
3 steps to strategic thinking
- recognize insight 2. ask the right questions 3. tune in
the major feature of a vision or strategy must be____
a vision expresses
purposes and values as tangible signposts
a strategy provides
steps needed to make the vision and mission a reality
objectives are long or short range?
short range, 3-12 mos
what is required to anticipate trends?
a heightened perception of the ways our lives change and adapt
decisions by managers and supervisors are largely shaped and driven by their ___________
emotional intelligence. most often EI prevails in conflicts with other intelligences
three significant research findings regarding EI
it is learn-able. it is test-able. research shows that our mental skills determine top performers and EI plays a more important function at higher supervisor levels.
4 primary domains of Emotional Intelligence
- self awareness 2. self discipline 3. social awareness 4. relationship management
Your EI starts and stops with which domain?
self awareness
psychological wealth consists of four dimensions
- life satisfaction 2. low negative feelings 3.positive feelings 4. contributing to society
_________________ is the core of psychological wealth
emotions have four components
- feelings 2. sensory 3. thinking 4. action
happiness is something you ________________
have control over
____________ is an often overlooked factor in better workers
three ways you can value your work
- as a job 2. as a career 3. as a calling
when there is a confluence of values strengths and challenges there is
job fit or a flow, a calling work value
we are as happy as ____________
we want to be. most of us our mildly happy most of the time.
the first step toward positivity and elevating your set point is:
challenge all incoming negative thoughts
the three key variables for causing happiness
- purposes 2. relationships 3. gratitude
you happiness set point is embedded
but it can still be moved
____________ style of leadership is on the rise as police organizations face increasingly complicated problems
leaders must let go the belief that we must __________ that which we care about.
______________ is the right to command
position, right to reward, right to sanction provide you with __________
your expertise and experience gives you ________ to lead
___________ is the capacity to command
______________ is a relationship to influence people toward the attainment of a goal
supervisors need to manage relationships with everyone, even ______________
their boss
- assume responsibility 2. work hard 3. challenge 4. champion change 5. withdrawl
courageous membership
to be a team leader you have to ______ the team building activities
live, it is a constant and on going process
- accentuate the positive 2. know what is going on 3. get attention through vision 4. create meaning through communication 5. build trust through integrity 6. deploy through positive self-regard 7. master change 8. afford empowerment
team building activities
what is the first thing you should do with your vision?
convey it to others
to be effective you need to establish __________ first, vision and ideas come second
the majority of leadership failures are
integrity failures
- competence 2. positive regard for others 3. wallenda factor
triangle of positive self-regard
wallenda factor
think about success not failure, stay on the rope
the worst mistakes a leader can make are (3)
ducking responsibility taking too much credit engaging in group think
police employees are___________ employees
informal team leadership is a ___________ phenomenon
the better we __________ ourselves the better we can lead tohers
fourth generation management is _____________ driven.
purpose driven
fourth generation management is a remainder that: people or things are more important?
time management divides tasks into four categories based on what two dimensions?
importance and urgency
we can change our experience of time by changing what we_________ and _____________
feel and think
time is not an ________
fourth generation management defines our individual ________, including _______ and _______ are prioritized
mission, roles, goals
activities should be scheduled by the day or the week?
- develop a mission statement 2. record and define your roles 3. Identify your goals 4. Plan and schedule your week 5. Act and be flexible
Steps to become a category II supervisor
define category II
focus on things that our important but not urgent, the crux to managing ourselves and others.
as a police leader you are responsible for preventing stress from attacking the _________ of you and your staff.
_______ is a demand on us to change
how we_________ stress determines whether or not it is harmful or helpful
- personal 2. environmental 3. organizational/social
the three sources of stress
hyperstress hypostress eustress distress
four dimensions of stress
pessimism devolves into __________________
well managed stress can promote __________
one of the most negative stessors is
an attack on one’s integrity
optimism is a ___________ that can be learned
anger, while a normal response, should not be ____________ and ____________________
excessive and prolonged
supervisors can convert stress to a positive by doing two things
- self discipline 2. empowering others
- supportive relationships 2. mental discipline 3. helping others 4. the three r’s (reading, relaxation, recreation) 5. altruistic egoism 6. being happy
six strategies for maintaining vitality
to ensure wellness and vitality we need _____________ plan
custom designed plan
a negotiation strategy that tries to decide issues on their merits, rather than who wins. it is both easy and tough
principled negotiations
- Do not bargain over positions 2. Being nice is not the answer 3. Separate the people from the issue 4. Concentrate on issues not positions 5. Generate a number of options 6. Adopt objective criteria
the six steps to getting toy es in principled negotiations
the most common type of poor employee and also the most difficult to correct
the malcontent
these issues are natural and therefore a normal phenomenon
human driven issues
who is responsible for converting dysfunctional conflict to productive energy
- Existing conditions 2. Our attitudes 3. Our thoughts 4. Our behavior
what causes issues, what emanate form
!. Malcontent 2. Immoral 3. Unprofessional 4. Illegal
four types of problem employees
steps of a citizen complaint
- receipt 2. investigation 3. adjudication
media relations have ____________ consequences
far reaching
the first step in proper media handling is
taking responsibility for tackling the problem
- synergy 2. interdependence 3. a support base
three benefit teams provide to group effectiveness
training objectives must support ____________ and be _______________
organizational activities and be realistic
team training requires ___________ thinking and effort
is this about their issue or mine?
question asked by good supervisor coaches
your delivery of training should be subject to ___________ by your boss, yourself and trainees
constant evaluation
teamwork can only occur with _______________ and ______________
mutual trust and team training
trust is based on knowing the other’s ___________
the basis for team based decision making is
team training
___________ training is a key responsibility of a police supervisor
___________ ________________ is the cornerstone for team training in a diverse workforce
emotional intelligence
- non-negotiable high standards 2. Opportunities 3. Character 4. Emotional Intelligence 5. Teamwork
five base line conditions or practices that evidence a spirit of excellence and high performance
Supervise by objectives
- Identify the issue 2. make a specific statement 3. Alternative strategies 4. Select alternative 5. Implementation 6. Evaluation 7. Feedback
Steps to set an objective
performance domain rating scale
police supervisors who _______ their work typically out perform others
in SBO the objectives must be _____________
in SBO the objectives need to be set in ____________
collaboration with the employee
in SBO, the objectives should be used
to measure performance
- Behavioral motivation 2. Control 3. Feedback
the three key reasons for assessing a person’s performance
for a performance system to be valid and reliable it must be
job related
Delegation + Participation
_____________________ =
supervisors are responsible for ___________ their staff to accomplish the mission for the department
motivated workers have ___________ performance and job satisfaction
motivating others starts_______________
with yourself
individual job satisfaction_____________ group moral
the most critical requirement for praising people is
retaining employees depends on
the supervisor’s ability to motivate
empowerment is a known positive but
few supervisors practice it
four parties benefit from successful delegation. they are:
- Community
- Department
- Supervisor
- Staff
- Stewardship
- Go-fer
- Dump
- Micro
four types of delegation. only stewardship is effective in empowering
building a workplace context requires training, high standards, values, needs communication, rewards, reprimands, feedback and most of all _______
______________________ is participative supervision
the key to _____________ is sharing
uncontrolled empowerment results in ______________ mentality
delegation participation and trust lead
POP and COP are_______________ not _________
complementary identical
a police department can adopt two different crime control strategies - but they must be __________
POP improves on crime fighting tactics by adding ______________ and __________
pro activity
the common linkage between COP, POP, and professional crime fighting model is:
crime control
for POP to succeed patrol work needs to be give __________ status
POP emphasizes _____________ over efficiency
POP has 11 steps that commence with the _________ of problems
problems are best identified by who?
line employees
those who identified the problem are probably in the best position to decide what?
The information needed to solve it
the act of _______________ will improve performance
measuring performance
collecting data is not enough you need to do what?
use it was a measuring tool
the main reason agencies resist performance measures is what?
see the measurement as a threat
can crime prevention be measured?
yes, everything can be measured
Inputs activities outputs outcomes explanatory notes are the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of performance measurement
identifying important measurables depends on agreeing on what?
principled and practical values
- statistical
- oversight
- community
- pro-steering
the four approaches to measuring agency performance
to learn from our successes we need to __________ them