Criminal Investigations Flashcards
Why are the lines between the romance of crime solving and the reality sometimes blurred?
the process has intrigued people for generations and is the subject of many works of art.
How have the roots of historical CJ system impacted modern system of criminal investigation?
it originated in England with the Bow Street Runners and later London Metro Police. History in the U.S. includes Pinkerton Agency and the F.B.I.
What were some of the early advancements in forensic science?
serology (study of plasma fluids)
forensic dentistry
coordination with prosecutor
expand role of patrol officer
use of fingerprints should be expanded
distinguish between cases that require more specialized investigation
RAND study
detectives and patrol contribute equally to solving burglary and robbery cases
a period of four hours total is all that is needed to close a case75% of burglary cases are suspended after two days due to a lack of leads
personnel are too reliant on victim information
PERF study
Determine whether a crime has been committed Gather information identify MO make an arrest if necessary follow up on case afterwords
responsibilities of a successful investigator
May initiate the case by calling for specialized units
Initiate and complete the investigations of certain classes of crime
investigate high-volume crimes
assume initial responsibilities aid victims, evaluate scene, identify witnesses, suspects, evidence, protect the scene
role of a patrol officer in the investigative process
Thief catchers
persons recruited from criminal classes to aid law enforcement officials in locating suspects during Europe’s industrial revolution.
Bow Street Runners
Mr. Fielding’s People, the first well known investigative body in England, successful group of thief catchers
Bertillon System
a method of identification developed in Paris based on measurements such as skeletal size, ear shape, eye color
inductive reasoning
make an inference based on facts, takes us beyond what we know
deductive reasoning
based on specific facts used to establish proof
process of proposing a likely explanation for an event that can be tested, guides the accumulation of knowledge during the investigation
solvability factors
characteristics of case that demonstrate it is likely to result in case solution
relational databases
permit fast and easy sorting of large records
procedure established to study and distinguish human blood stains
rouges’ gallery
compilation of descriptions, MO, hide outs, and associates of known criminals
field notes
document information as it is learned
Field Interview Cards
used to document interactions with a suspicious person
call attention to an item at a crime scene and in a scene photograph
photos at a scene include at least what three views?
general, medium, close
what is the objective of the crime scene sketch?
to accurately portray the scene
- Baseline
- Triangulation
- Cross Projection
the three standard crime scene sketching methods
‘preliminary investigation
an initial inquiry by officers to establish facts of a suspected crime and to preserve any evidence related to that crime
crime scene
not only the location where the offense occurred, but any place where evidence may be discovered
Locard Exchange Principle
with contact between two items there will be an exchange
trace evidence
small bits of matter left behind
corpus delicti
the evidence that establishes that a crime has been committed
associative evidence
links a suspect with a crime
Flash description
A BOLO message
Latent evidence
Evidence not visible to the human eye
what should officers en route be aware of?
fleeing suspects on foot or in vehicles
- be aware while en route
- verify a crime occurred
- administer aid
- arrest suspect
- inform supervisor
duties of the first officer on scene
- Determine the facts of the crime
- identify the suspect
- aid in suspect’s arrest
- aid in prosecution
four objectives of evidence
Chain of custody
the accounting of evidence
crime scene report
a record of what was done at the scene to find evidence and reconstruct what happened
Amido black protein
an amino acid staining dye used to detect blood present with latent finger prints
Latent fingerprint
Also called a patent print. Made when oils transfer the pattern to a touched object
Plastic fingerprint
An impression, made when a material is touchednd a negative pattern left
Visible or dust print
When a material is touched and then left behind on a second object, after touching substances like oil, blood, flour, or ink
Criminal Investigative Analysis
profiling, identifying psychological characteristics surrounding the crime
a three dimensional probability surface which depicts the offender’s most likely area of residence
a witness is simultaneous with a number of individuals to identify
Relative judgement
Compare lineup photographs members with each other rather than to the memory of the offender
Absolute judgment
Witnesses compare the photograph only with their memory of what the offender actually looked like
trace evidence unit
identifies and compares types of trace materials including hair, textiles fibers,
the questioned document unit
examines and compares paper and surfaces including handwriting, printing, alterations
forensic chemistry
identifying chemicals, controlled substances, ink
the examination of biological specimens
how long as fingerprinting been sued for crime fighting?
hundreds of years
- arches
- wohls
- loops
three general pattern groups of fingerprints
powder iodine nitrate superglue fuming lasers
methods to identify fingerprints
DNA was first discovered when?
by scientists in the 1980s
cases involving questioned comments require what to compare handwriting?
a suspect document and an exemplar
is the use of eye witnesses a problem?
yes, over reliance causes false convictions
- Photo line-up
- line up
- show up
three identification procedures
probable cause
min amount of information necessary to make a reasonable person believe that a crime has been committed by a person who is about to be arrested
exclusionary rule
any evidence illegally attained will be excluded
the fourth amendment protects _________
people with a legitimate expectation of privacy
Mapp v. Ohio, 1961
applied the exclusionary rule to federal and state courts
Chimel v. California, 1969
limited search incident to arrest to the immediate area
presentation of facts which are believed to constitute probable cause
search warrant return
an itemized inventory of items seized
Triggering conditions
A part of an anticipatory search warrant, a specific event that starts the validity of the warrant
Consent searches Existent circumstances Incident to lawful arrest Plain view vehicle Stop and frisk Open field
Exceptions to search warrant requirements
Under the U.S. Constitution citizens are guaranteed three classes of rights
- Privileges and immunities
- Due process of law
- Equal protection
the ____________ requirement is at the heart of a police officer’s legal ability to search
probable cause
Issued by proper official
issued for specific objects and places
issued on a basis of probable cause
specific requirements for a warrant to be valid
Graham v. Conner
federal standard of reasonableness in use of force cases
physical force can be used to:
protect the officer or others
overcome resistance
prevent escape
what makes force reasonable
at the time a reasonable officer with the same facts would have acted in the same manner
severity of crime
suspect posed an immediate threat
actively resisted or attempted to evade arrest
key factors to determine reasonableness under graham
Exaggeration of evidence available telling the person that interrogator where she is guilty stressing the consequences of crime
Coerced internalization
The technique of Maximization can lead to false confessions this occurs mostly in a highly suggestible and confused suspects who actually begin to believe that they’re guilty of the crime
And incriminating statement that stops short of admitting guilt in the actual crime
A direct acknowledgment by the suspect of his or her guilt in the commission of a specific crime or as being an integral part of a specific crime
Think aloud interview and verbal probing techniques
Two major subtypes of cognitive interviewing
A relatively formal conversation conducted for the purpose of obtaining information
The systematic questioning of a person suspected of involvement in a crime for the purpose of obtaining a confession
A key psychological factor contributing to successful interrogations is
Coerced compliant confessions
Fear tactics that include direct threats intimidation or actual physical abuse
Overt information gathering
Personal interactions with witnesses suspects victims, usually done by the patrol division
Covert intelligence gathering
Most common clues process of intelligence gathering
Strategic intelligence
Provides investigator with information for long term planning, info about suspects capabilities and intentions
Tactical intelligence
Targets activity of immediate importance to the investigator specifics about organizations and individuals
Target selection
Data collection
Data analysis
Phases of intelligence gathering
The process of comparing texts carefully
Link analysis
A charting technique to show relationships between individuals and organizations using graphics
Event flow analysis
Charting a brief description of an event
Commodity flow analysis
Charting the logical flow of goods
RISS projects
Six regional information sharing networks, Rocky Mountain information network
Outside team
In a stake out the team of two or more officers designated as the arrest team
Inside team
This team watches the inside of the stakeout location they also brief other officers and secure the location after
Minimization requirement pertinent to electronic surveillance
Refers to the requirement that officers take every reasonable effort to monitor only those conversations that are relevant
Explain the difference between criminal intelligence gathering and criminal investigation
Intelligence is defined as knowledge of past present or future criminal activity that results from the collection of information that when evaluated provides the user with a basis for rational decision-making criminal investigations or reactive in nature intelligence gathering is a proactive function
Two pronged Aguilar test
Source of information is clear
Reasonable belief information is reliable
Then it can provide PC
Scene conscious
Become aware of the situation and be prepared to take immediate action to preserve and document evidence
Accidental death
Natural death
Four modes of death
What are the two categories of homicide?
Murder: purposeful unlawful killing
Manslaughter: deliberate killing involuntary or voluntary
Pinpoint hemorrhages resulted from the discharge of un burned powder being deposited into the skin.
Serial murder
Separate victims with a break go two days at least between the killings
Mass murder
Four or more murders in a single incident
Dying declaration
A statement made by the victim under the belief of eminent death regarding the manner of their death typically implicating a suspect
Commercial robbery
Typically occurs at the end of the work week and during the evening and very early morning hours to go to target to the commercial Robert our stores and businesses located close to major thoroughfares especially banks and convenience stores
Bank robbery
Represents a much greater property loss and other types of robbery but accounts for only 2% of all robberies
Street robbery
The most common type of robbery also called mugging
Residential robbery
Consider whether the most terrifying types of robberies because an armed intruder will break into a home and hold residents a gun or knife point often these begin his burglaries but convert to robberies of injury discovers that there someone home and chooses to use violence as a means of completing the theft
Professional Robber
opportunistic robber
Drug addict robber
alcoholic robber
Conklyns well-known typology of robbers
Binding material
Any material including strips of tape cloth strips wire rope used to incapacitate the victim
Robbery motivation
Primary motivation is greed although some juvenile robbers motivated by peer influence and thrills
Vehicle robbery
Becoming more common also include delivery vehicles taxicabs and buses
Initial responsibility of first officers on scene
Arrived quickly and safely summon assistance wait for back up before entering cover the likely exit
What is the most common type of robbery and the most commonplace of robbery
The most common type is of the individual most common place is on the way to and from your car
Power reassurance rapist
Primary motivation of power over his victim accounting for estimated 81 percent of rapes the reported
Power assertive rapist
When estimated 12% of rape attacks involves the assertive personality it is the desire of the suspect to demonstrate his manhood to the victim through sexual salt seldom plans as a tax and is opportunistic by nature
Anger retaliatory rapist
Person who Vinces anger and frustration for the opposite sex by punishing them this category of rapist accounts for an estimated 5% of all rapes
Anger excitation rapist
This type is the most dangerous has a strong propensity toward sadism prone to severely injured or murder his victims enjoys the victims response to the infliction of pain meticulously plans attack
What is simple assault
Generally threats by one person to cause bodily harm or death to another
Nonfamily abduction
A child is removed without authorization from his or her family by force or trickery it is the most complex and dangerous type of missing child case
Family abduction
Generally occurs in conjunction with divorce and separation the noncustodial parent remove the child from the care of the custodial parent and flees
The third type of missing child case encountered by law enforcement voluntary runaway child is the most common
Code Adam
A lockdown and response procedure at public buildings places and stores for rent reduction of a missing child
Acute maltreatment
The child’s death is directly related to injuries suffered as a result of a specific incident
Chronic maltreatment
The child stuff is record related to injuries caused by neglect occurring over extended period of time
Battered Child syndrome
Defined as the collection of injuries sustained by a child as a result of repeated mistreatment or beating
Munchhausen syndrome by proxy
Psychological disorder in which a patient fabricates symptoms of disease or injury and ordered under the medical test hospitalization and surgical treatment by proxy is medical attention to themselves by inducing illnesses in their children
Sudden infant death syndrome
Diagnosis given for the sudden death of an infant one month to one years of age that remains unexplained after complete investigation including an autopsy examination of the scene and review of the victims medical family history
Situational molester
Does not necessarily suffer from any specified psychological disorder but may commit such crimes because one of several external factors these include intoxication drug abuse mood or mental conditions or other social conditions
Preferential molester
Has sexual desires focusing on children typically has a more identifiable psychological disorder
fixated child molester
One who’s primary sexual orientations toward children and whose social sexual maturation develops as a result of unresolved conflicts in his or her development children of always been the focus of sexual interest this molester will probably not be a stranger to the victim
The regressed child molester
Represents a clear departure from the primary orientation toward age mates the child becomes a substitute for an adult partner
Battered Child syndrome
Collection of injury sustained by child as a result of repeated mistreatment or beating
Retinal hemorrhaging in infants
For all practical purposes is conclusive evidence of shaken baby syndrome especially the absence of a good explanation
The use of children for illegal activities such as prostitution and pornography
Sexual relations between children and their parents or other relatives
Child sexual abuse
The sexual molestation of children as well as seduction and statutory rape
Child molester
A significantly older person who engages in any type of sexual activity with individuals legally defined as children
Fungible goods
Items such as tools liquor clothing that are indistinguishable from others like them
Check kiting
Use a fictitious checks drawn on nonexistent firm or person
Stealing merchandise by the company’s employees
Plastic workers
Professional criminals have experience in dealing with stolen credit cards
Amateur pilfers respectable person who do not perceive themselves as thieves that are systematic shoplifters you still merchandise for their own use
An individual operating as part of an organized criminal gang committing organized theft
Tin truck
Stolen auto parts transport vehicle
Salvage switch
Urchins a wrecked vehicle for its title and vin
Aggravated arson
Deliberate burning of property while creating an imminent danger to human life
Simple arson
A lesser offense burning a property that does not result in a risk to human life
A fire’s point of origin
Maybe the most critical phase of arson investigation because it includes the ruling out of natural or accidental causes finding out the point where the fire started
Time span of the fire
Physical characteristics of the fire such a smoke direction flames distance of travel
Arson plants
Preparations used to set the fire these include newspapers rags other flammable waste material
Arson trailers
Materials used in spreading the fire including gunpowder racks moved from the liquid and also for mobile liquid spread out the same such as gasoline kerosene alcohol
The first of the pattern of crevices form of the burning of a wooden structure resembling the skin of an alligator this pattern reveals a minimal amount of time with alligator in large segments when the fires extinguished rapidly as a fire continues to burn the alley getting will become smaller with charring becoming deeper
Arson for profit for revenge for vandalism for crime concealment pyromania
Motivations of the arsonist
Fire triangle
Heat fuel oxygen
Set of ideologies holding Islam is not only religion but also political system in the modern Muslims must return to the roots of the religion and unite politically
Evidence of participation exclusive access motive false statements
Evidence usually needed in arson cases for successful prosecution
Define terrorism
Premeditated politically motivated violent action that targets noncombatants
Mara salvTrucha
El Salvadorian gang ms 13
Dependence factor
Drugs level of depends the fuel so users desire to consume more of a physiological dependence psychological dependence withdrawal symptoms and Drug synergy
Designer drugs
Class of drugs that are specifically designed to emulate controlled substances such as ecstasy
Pharmaceutical diversion
Taking medications legal Manufacturing for illegitimate means
Professional patients those who fraudulently attempt to obtain prescriptions for controlled drugs from doctors
Bank methods
This basic technique the traffickers take their money to a bank conduct several transactions that of altering currency of small denominations for larger ones
Trafficker provide several individuals or Smurfs with cash from drug sales each Smurf goes to a different banks and purchases cashiers checks in denominations of less than $10,000 the Smurfs then turn the chats over the second person who facilitates their deposit into domestic bank
Computer scanning
Process of presenting sequentially changing information to an automated system to identify those items receiving a positive response
One person assuming identity of an authorized computer user
Data diddling
Changing data before during or input computers
Trojan horse
Secret placement or alteration of computer instructions of the computer will tell a second computer how to perform an illegal function
Treasury Department currency transaction report
Require that banks report cash transactions of 10,000 or more
Double invoicing
A company orders merchandise from a foreign subsidiary at an inflated price