♡ Superpowers Case Studies Flashcards
♡ What is a Superpower?
♡ A Superpower is a country that is able to exert influence or project power on a global scale
♡ How does a country become a superpower?
♡ Economic influence
♡ Military influence
♡ Cultural influence
♡ Political influence
♡ Geographical influence (Mackinder’s Heartland Theory)
♡ What is some evidence to show the USA’s status as a superpower? (Economic)
♡ Economic:
♡ - In 2009, USA’s economy ($14,119,050) almost 3x that of the 2nd largest economy (Japan, $5,068,894)
♡ - US Dollar global reserve currency –> Key commodities such as Oil and Gold are priced in dollars, makes them cheaper for the US to buy
♡ In 2010, 162 of the world’s 500 largest companies were domiciled in the US
♡ Home to 40% of billionaires
♡ Personal consumption accounts for 70% of the US economy
♡ What is some evidence to show the USA’s status as a superpower? (Military)
♡ 2008 - World’s second largest army (1.4 million active military personnel)
♡ 25,000 aircraft and 11 aircraft carriers
♡ 2010 - 2,000 Nuclear weapons
♡ 2009 - $515.4 billion annual defence budget
♡ What is some evidence to show the USA’s status as a superpower? (Cultural)
♡ Celebrities –> Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali
♡ Brands/TNCs –> Coca Cola, Starbucks
♡ What is some evidence to show the USA’s status as a superpower? (Geographical)
♡ Military base at Diego Garcia in British Indian Ocean Territory
♡ Enabled USA to counter Soviet influence in the Indian Ocean during the Cold War
♡ Global Positioning System
♡ How are Global Power Structures changing?
♡ Bipolar World –> USSR and USA during the Cold War to a Unipolar World/Asian Century where China becomes a dominant superpower
♡ EU-Japan Relations: Japan is looking to liberalise trade with EU reduces tariffs and barriers between the EU and Japan, scrapping duties/tariffs on 97-99% of goods imported, EU will reduce duties on 10% of car imports
♡ What are the BRICS?
♡ Brazil
Strengths: Has huge natural resources, agricultural superpower, young population
Weaknesses: Less politically stable, corruption and protests
♡ Russia
Strengths: 9th global economy, political influence
Weaknesses: dependant on oil and gas exports, unbalanced economy, reductions in influence
♡ India
Strengths: 7% annual growth 1997-2015, outsourced IT, worlds largest democracy
Weaknesses: poor infrastructure, bad energy, water and technology, 20% of Indians live in poverty
♡ China
Strengths: Major player in global investment, huge population 1.37 billion
Weaknesses: Only 2% of adult population graduated from university, large amounts of debt, aging population
♡ What is some evidence towards China being the next superpower?
♡ Navy: Planning Blue Water Navy –> Converting islands into bases to store Navy equipment
♡ Africa Investment: About 1/3 of China’s oil imports come from Africa, neocolonialism
♡ Energy trade: Between Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore 12 million barrels of oil
♡ New Silk Road: China tries to keep the Uighur separatists cause unknown to prevent it from having supply lines
China and Pakistan agreed a $48b deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelands
♡ Trade with Brazil: Brazil changed their trading partners from USA to China
♡ What are some counter-arguments towards China being the next superpower?
♡ Navy: 25 years ago, India’s ‘Look East’ policy to block China’s trade with them
♡ Africa Investment: USA companies are still more heavily involved in Africa in terms of investment
♡ Energy Trade: As long as Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore remain pro-American, America will have advantage over China
♡ New Silk Road: Weak spot in China’s defence, gap between the mountains and desert
♡ Trade with Brazil: USA still trades with Brazil, who doesn’t share China’s hostile advances towards USA, Brazil and dChina don’t always agree on international matters
♡ How do superpowers exercise power in the post-colonial era?
♡ Military: British fought numerous wars e.g against communists in Malaysia, the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya
♡ Politically: USA attempted to prevent the spread of communism through containment
♡ Economically: The IMF and World Bank were set up to provide aid to developing countries, often tied to SAPs
♡ Culturally: Western culture continued to spread around the world through films, music and adaptation of the English language
♡ What are the MINTS?
♡ Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey
♡ Mexico
Strengths: Rich cultural history, abudance of natural resources, among the 15 largest economies in the world
Weaknesses: For the last 3 years Mexico has underperformed and poverty has increased, high unemployment, relies on US economy
♡ Indonesia
Strengths: Diverse range of natural resources, low labour costs, stable birth rate
Weaknesses: Exposed to shifts in Chinese demands, persistant corruption and natural disasters
♡ Nigeria
Strengths: Leading African power in terms of GDP, low debt levels, significant hydro-carbon resources
Weaknesses: High unemployment rates, dependant on oil revenues (Case against Shell), lack of infrastructure, corruption
♡ Turkey
Strengths: Young population which can support domestic demands, large industrial and tourism base, good location for trade
Weaknesses: Dependent on short term capital inflows, high external debt, large amounts of inequality, risks due to Syrian conflict
♡ Neocolonialism example: What is China doing in Africa?
♡ China’s economic investment with Africa focussed on trade and infrastructure investments
♡ 2015: China’s African trade = $300 billion
♡ $60 billion in Chinese FDI, over 1m Chinese in Africa
♡ Only 5% global FDI to Africa, half in Asia
♡ Environmental impacts = air and water pollution
♡ What is One Belt, One Road?
♡ Increase China’s connectivity between China and Eurasia
♡ One Belt: Countries extending from Russia, Central Asia and Western Europe
♡ One Road: Extending influence into Southeast Asia and India, then to Middle East and East Africa
♡ What causes tensions in Superpowers?
♡ Counterfeit Goods: Estimated that 5-10% of world trade is in counterfeit goods. Chinese companies well-known for infringing on IP
IP is criticised due to royalties, could prevent new ideas, can create monopolies
♡ Arctic Oil and Gas: 30% of undiscovered gas in Arctic, disputes over Lomonosov Ridge - 2007 Russian flag on sea bed, Canada and Russia have dedicated Arctic forces, 3 parties have nuclear weapons