Principle of Superposition
when 2 waves meet, the resultant wave is the vector sum of the displacement due to each individual wave
sources are said to be coherent if they have constant phase difference (only possible when they have the same f/wavelength/wave speed)
Stationary Waves
results from the superposition of 2 waves of equal amplitude and frequency travelling with the same speed in opposite directions
particles at these points do not oscillate as the components waves travelling in opp direction superpose destructively, positions of NODES do not change
(total phase diff is odd integer multiples of pi rad)
particles at these points oscillate with max amplitude as the components waves travelling in opp direction superpose constructively, positions of NODES do not change
(total phase diff is 0/evem integer multiples of pi rad)
Diff between a Stationary wave and a Progressive wave
- AMPLITUDE varies from 0 at nodes to max of 2A at antinodes vs same for all particles
- FREQUENCY all vibrate in SHM with same f as the comp wave except for those at nodes at rest vs all in SHM with the same f as the wave