Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit Flashcards
Topic Statement 1
The narrator presents herself as a bright and imaginative child during the opening of the story
The airport was my Mecca, my Jerusalem
Metaphor describes places of worship implying the narrator is a worshipper of flight. Explains part of her love for Superman
believable as a landscape by Dalí
Simile describes painting by DalÍ, who is renowned for creating incredibly lifelike images. Shows power of narrator’s imagination
In the magic whirring of his cape I could hear the wings of a hundred seagulls, the motors of a thousand planes
Hyperbole highlights the narrators obsession with Superman. It shows she admires his flight capability far more than birds and planes
Topic Statement 2
A contrast is effectively used to highlight the innocent and child-like environment of the narrator against the backdrop of a more unsettling environment in the wider world
suprise captures and sudden rescues
Like a television show. Use of sudden and suprise implies something not thought of yet the children must have planned such events. Shows they created their own fantasy world
made us outlaws
Connotations of wild west and excitement. Narrator uses this instead of outcasts, showing she was still buried in a fantasy world and blind to the outside worlds perceptions
we would practice an air raid
Shows the narrator’s innocence beginning to be challenged by the war going on in the outside world
war was seeping in
Unpleasant connotations of ‘seeping’ imply war is like an infection that is slowly spreading. Mirrors the narrators gradual loss of innocence throughout the story
Topic Statement 3
Paula Brown’s birthday party represents a turning point in the narrator’s understanding of the world and clearly reveals the story’s key themes
nobody on our block really liked her
Narrator’s bias indicates tension in her relationship with Paula Brown, foreshadowing the future conflict
Our war games and the radio programmes were all made up but this was real, this really happened
Fantasy vs Reality. Narrator exposed to harshness of reality. She begins to realise that things in her life aren’t what they seem
I knelt over a toilet bowl and vomitted up the cake and ice cream
Physical rejection of sweet things/tastes results in horrible taste in mouth. Foreshadows narrators rejection of her fantasies and saddening results
No matter how hard I thought of Superman before I went to sleep, no crusading blue figure came
Mental impact of movie. Narrator begins to realise that she must face some struggles on her own
Topic Statement 4
Climactic moment of the story is played out through the game of tag where the young narrator is used as a scapegoat
Paula stopped in the middle of the game to eye me coldly
Like a predator eyeing its prey. Idea of conflict (Narrator being targetted)
Then, suddenly, her eyes fixed on me
Paula selects the narrator as a scapegoat, climax of tension seen earlier
strange joy flickering in the back of their eyes
Implies deep down everyone takes pleasure in bullying and demeaning others
Topic Statement 5
The end of the story effectively promotes its key themes
Why didn’t you tell me that you pushed Paula in the mud and spoiled her new snowsuit?
Mum beleives David over her own daughter. Betrayal by David. Injustice
Okay but we’ll pay for another snowsuit anyway just to make everybody happy, and ten years from now no one will know the difference
Materialism vs Morality. Ironic statement, Nattator writing this 13 years in the future
silver airplanes and the blue capes all dissolved and vanished
Symbolic of narrators innocence disappearing
wiped away like the crude drawings of a child in coloured chalk
Narrator realises how flimsy (childish) her view of the world was
Key Themes
Innocence/Fantasy vs Reality