Superficial muscles Flashcards
O- Zygomatic arch
I- Masseteric fossa of the mandible
In- Masicatory n (br of mandibular n)
F- Raise the mandible
O- Dorsal median raphe of the neck C3 to the SP's of T1-9 I- Dorsal 2/3 scapular (CERVICAL) Dorsal 1/3 scapular (THORACIC) In- Dorsal br of the accessory n F- Draws scapular dorsally (Together) Craniodorsally (CERVICAL) Caudodorsally (THORACIC)
O- 1st Sternebra/ Mandibrium
I- Mastoid part of the temporal bone & Nuchal crest of occipital bone
In- Accessory n
F- Draws the head ventrally & to one side
Protractor of FL
Cleidocephalicus & Ceidobrachialis
O- Distal 3rd cranial border of the Humerus
Crosses cranial lateral shoulder surface
Divides in two at the clavicular intersection
I- 2 parts:
Pars cervicalis- nuchal crest of the occipital bone
Pars Mastoidea- mastoid process
In- Accessory n
Ventral br. of cervical n
F- Advance FL
Extend shoulder
Draws head and neck to one side
O- Acromion of the scapular I- Wing of Atlas In- Ventral br of the 4th cervical n F- Advances FL Bends neck to one side
O- Spine & Acromion of the Scapular
I- Deltoid tuberosity
In- Axillary n
F- Flexes shoulder
O- Lateral supracondylar crest
I- Disto-medial radius
In- Radial n
F- Flexes elbow
Ascending pectorals (Deep)
O- Body of the sternum I- Greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus Brachial fascia In- Caudal pectoral n F- Support trunk Retract FL Fixes shoulder joint
Superficial pectorals
Transverse & Descending
O- Mandibrium & Cranial part of sternum I- Crest of Greater tubercle In- Cranial pectoral n F- Limb- trunk attachment Adductor Protractor Retractor
O- Olecranon fossa
I- Attaches with triceps tendon on the Olecranon
In- Radial n
F- Extends elbow
Capitis/ Cervicis/ Thoracis
O- Nuchal crest (Capitis) Dorsal med. raphe of the neck C2-T1 (CERVICIS) Cranial & thoracis spine (THORACIS) I- Medial surface of scapular cartilage In- Ventral br. of cervical n F- Fix thoracic limb Elevates and draws scapular forward
Teres Major
O- Caudal margin of the scapular
I- Teres major
In- Axillary n
F- Flexes shoulder
Teres Minor
O- Infraglenoid tubercle and distal infraspinous fossa
I- Teres minor tuberosity
In- Axillary n
F- Flexes shoulder
O- Supraspinatus fossa and scapular spine
I- Greater tubercle of the humerus
In- Suprascapular n
F- Extends & fixes shoulder
O- Infraspinatus fossa & scapular spine
I- Medial surface of the humerus
In- Suprascapular n
F- Flexes and abducts shoulder